Tag Archives: Wealth

Tuesday – Might As Well of Been a Friday

Freedom, Flexibility and Wealth! That is why we seek out real estate isn’t it! In third grade we weren’t telling our parents about our aspirations to negotiate with Bank of America for six months at a time, take Tommy Tirekicker to 69 homes in 4 county’s when gas is $4.00/gallon or spend countless hours convincing a seller that what they “need” to pay off their credit cards and have enough to move up is irrelevant to what their home is actually going to sell for….yeah definitely not common examples given in the “when I grow up” conversation. Freedom, flexibility and wealth..those are the reasons. So today I exercised some freedom. I only made 6 contacts today, have 3 appointments before 2:00pm and then went disc golfing I enjoyed it and it was guilt free. I was off the course by 4pm and back to the office (sneaking in the back door) to sign checks and off to pick up my daughters. It was a beautiful day, the first of the year and I rearranged my entire week to make today work, YES I time block according to the 7 day forecast. So am I a slacker? Have I forgot my goals? What happened to my ambition? Here is the deal, I still need 60 contacts and 10 appointments this week. My life is results oriented, NOT time bound and tomorrow my day is structured so that I can make 25 contacts. If I became so effective and disciplined in my job that I hit my goals in 1 week every month, I would work 12 weeks a year and do you think the owner and investors in the firm would have a problem with that? As long as my goals aligned with theirs, my role as is anyone in sales is tied to a result, your goal and has nothing to do with time. In the words of Gary Keller, “If you take more than 40 or 50 hours to do your job, you are cheating.” My interpretation of what he means is that you are using time to make up for your lack of skill and efficiency. They say first that if you don’t have a plan, you become part of someones and then if you erase, you must replace referring to different timeblocks/appointments in your day. I love this concept and I am grateful to be in a position that understands results are not tied to time…thanks kw.


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