Tag Archives: The REALTOR Holiday

The REALTOR(r) Holiday Poem (Twas the Night Before Christmas)

The REALTOR® Holiday


Twas the end of October and all through city

Not a REALTOR in sight, it is such a pity.

The Supra’s were stashed in the glove box with care

In hopes that after the superbowl they would get their fair share.


Their listings are sitting, basically dead

While visions of ’04 and ’05 danced in their heads.

All the REALTOR’S flew South or are staying in bed,

They just temporarily resigned despite what I said.


When out in our market there arose such a clatter,

A few sprang from their beds to see what was the matter.

Away to the window they flew like a flash,

Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.


The bills piled up just like new fallen snow,

Gave heat to the family as they burned them below.

When what to their wondering eyes did appear,

But the Sheriff for your home because you didn’t come here!


Because they didn’t lead generate all winter long,

Their families now suffer and sing a sad song.

More rapid than eagles they lost all their things,

The creditors didn’t even stop at their wedding rings.


“No cash, no car, to the bar we are fixin’
No boat, no vacation, our debt has risen!

To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!

The IRS keeps taking until they have it all!


A glimmer of hope had just filled my bucket,

I realized very soon that it wasn’t the market!

So a bus I did take to the office indeed,

With my CAMP 443 materials to read!


And then, in a twinkling I heard in the lobby,

The sound of a cash buyer whose name was Robby.

As I took him through buyer steps one through three,

I learned he wanted more than one property.


I dug out my supra, and charged it to full,

Knowing quite well it would die before dawn.

Then I hopped in his car, because mine was gone,

And built rapport quickly, trying not to be dull.

We found his dream home in just under an hour,

If we actually close, I’ll be able to turn on my power!

his lender went bankrupt, title closed shop,

Thank god for my team or the ball would have been dropped!


I closed six transactions over “The REALTOR® Holiday”,

I wouldn’t have if I didn’t come in the office that cold winter day!

Brett told me this was the key to success,

But he is so young, how could he know best?


My family is warm and we are back on track,

I will raise the bar in ’09 and put a trophy on the rack.

My story is almost done at this juncture here,

One final word to help this next year!


If you want to excel and reach all your goals,

Get focused and clear on your lead generating role!

Once you do this you will have your “big why”

Stop sitting there waiting for your piece of the pie!


Happy Holidays from Brett Boettge and the Keller Williams Realty Crossroads Team!!


I’d like to thank the following for making 2008 a fantastic year despite the market!


Laura Hartman – Director of Agent Services

Andy Kahn – Market Center Administrator

Darren Kittleson – Operating Principle & Broker

Bill Baker – Agent Leadership Counsel – Finance Chair

Judie Czys – Agent Leadership Counsel – Culture Chair

Mindy Allen – Agent Leadership Counsel – Growth Chair


All of our Keller Williams Realty Madison Crossroads agents, we are a great company because of you!


The REALTOR® Holiday October 31st – Superbowl EVERY year!

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The REALTOR® Holiday

The REALTOR® Holiday


This is from the heart and simply stated.. no analogies or You Tube with tonight’s blog. I’m writing you all today because I’m concerned for everyone’s business through the Fall and Winter. At my former firm, we called the period of Halloween through the Superbowl (in February) “The REALTOR(r) Holiday”. The perception is that those that are serious enough to buy or sell in the Winter months will simply call you. I agree that those that are serious enough are going to call someone…. but are you sure it is you? Is your sphere of influence safe? I don’t care how much of a friend you are, I’m more concerned about results. So take a moment and write down 20 ways you as a REALTOR can step it up with your sphere of influence through the Winter months. Now if you run out of ideas, ask yourself, “If I were my competitor, how would I outperform myself?” Focus on implementing 5 items from that list each month November-February and you will create phenomenal habits in time for the Spring market.


Now for the next myth about the REALTOR(r) holiday. Is it really a bad time to be on the market as a seller? It depends. In the winter months your competition is far less than the Spring months, so if you have a seller willing to sell in the bottom 1/3 of price and top 1/3 of condition compared to the homes competition this may be a great time to sell. When a seller says, “Let’s take it off the market until the Spring market.” what do you say? Do you just say “OK”? Why are they paying you if they are telling you how to do your job? So the question becomes who is more qualified to make that informed decision, you or the seller? Think carefully because for some of you the answer may be the seller. Which brings me to my final point…EDUCATION.


One thing on that list of 20 will probably be education. Think of education as your daily dose of medicine to combat the REALTOR(r) holiday. Whoever is your coach, mentor or trainer ask them for a bit more time than you are used to, ask them to hold you to a higher level of accountability and ask them to be honest with you about your business. If you truly are looking to come out of this “Shift” on top you will have to step up because that 72 hour licensing requirement is for license holders, they tell you nothing about being successful business owners. Are you a license holder or a business owner?


Look at the path you are currently on…honestly are you thrilled with what is at the end of that path 90 days or 5 years from now? Now think without limits…. where do you truly want to be in 5 years? Why? If you don’t change anything in your business will you see that dream become reality? Who is currently helping you get there? Are they helping you reach your goals or theirs? Ask your coach to help you create a clear action plan that works for your goals, then ask yourself if you are willing to do the work, if not ask yourself why.


I have had the opportunity to consult agents from many companies on an endless list of topics. Currently I’m showing agents how to sell listings in 14 days and take control of their businesses through planning and discipline. I can only do this for agents who have discovered what they want and why they want it. I will gladly help you today, whether it is a simple conversation over the phone, a coffee or just a quick email with a question. Understand that I am here as a resource to anyone looking to combat the REALTOR(r) holiday. Let’s step it up and raise the bar this holiday season!



Brett Boettge




P.S. Look for my “Twas the Night Before Christmas” parody for “The REALTOR(r) Holiday coming soon…..



Contacts Made: 14

New Apts Set: 3

New Apts Had:

2nd Apts. Had: 1

(transition apts) 0

Yes to KW: 0

In Transition: 0

Joined: 0

No: 0

Undecided: 1



Needs Delivery?: Finding Buyers – Moving Listings

Handwritten Notes: 4


Personal Education: Revisit – Power of Flexible Pricing Power Point


Aha’s/Blurb: Success truly is a compilation of daily choices/actions.

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