Tag Archives: Team of Professionals

Your Team of Professionals… Crucial in a Buyers Market

Teamwork – Together we all achieve more!


Imagine your car for a second… four wheels all moving at the same speed towards your destination. A real estate transaction is the same way isn’t it? We need all components moving at the same speed to reach our destination and you, the agent, are behind the wheel. What would happen if on the way to dinner tonight, one of your wheels stopped turning? It would slow you down wouldn’t it? Would you just leave that wheel until of fell off or would you replace it? You are the driver, you control speed, direction, when you turn, when you stop and how efficiently you arrive at your destination. You are also responsible for the components of your car, consider them your team of professionals in a real estate transaction.


Now more than ever our clients who are more often than not our friends and family members need us to be educated enough to know what is best for them and strong enough to ensure they make that choice. This doesn’t mean just knowing market statistics, doing CMA’s and consulting on price, this is directing them to your team of professionals regardless of their “friend in the business” or the “family lender”. Think back to the analogy of the car….the lender is the front right wheel. Are you going to let you client put any old wheel on your car? Don’t you run the risk of veering off the road if they make the wrong choice? You are the driver, you and only you should choose that tire to ensure you move at your speed towards your destination…. the closing table. Jeff Statz at Mortgage Professionals is pardon the analogy… a high performance wheel, let me tell you why.


One of our KW Crossroads associates had a buyer that she brought into the office to meet with Jeff Statz lender extraordinaire for Pre-Approval. First notice this agent practices CITO or “Come Into the Office” which is the first step to a proper buyer consult and obtaining a representation agreement. Not only is Jeff a numbers cruncher, he is a phenomenal consultant who will help keep your buyer moving forward. This qualified, yet not highly motivated buyer was transformed into an “A” buyer after consult. A short ten days later this buyer is writing an offer. Do you see how important it is to have every wheel moving at the same speed and always moving towards your destination? By  the way this buyer was already working with another lender….our agent said they needed a second opinion! GREAT JOB!


Another on of our KW Crossroads associates insisted on a “CITO” appointment with a buyer. Now this buyer was already Pre-Approved with a family friend and their long time lender. Jeff Statz from Mortgage professionals consulted with this buyer and an offer was written that same day. Not only that, Jeff was educated and strong enough to give this buyer advice, honest advice that this buyers lender either did not, or could not. The end result is that Jeff Statz saved this buyer $127,325 through very innovative and responsible lending practices. What would $127,325 do for your buyers? Can you imagine how thankful this buyer is to our agent for insisting on coming into the office for a second opinion?


This is the reality for today’s real estate professionals. Although we don’t need to know all the answers we must know that those on our team are delivering the highest level of value. In both examples above our 10+ service was complemented by our high performance team of professionals. Don’t leave your livelihood, your friends and families greatest asset and YOUR reputation to chance. The goal is to deliver the highest value and always move our buyers and sellers forward. To find out how Jeff Statz can help your buyers AND sellers move forward as quick as possible just give him a call… Do you believe your clients will thank you when they save thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars on their next transaction? You can reach Jeff Statz at JeffS@WIMortgagePros.com or by phone at 608.206.0643 for the finest consulting in the lending industry.


Monday – Personal Day

Tuesday – (Still no Computer Files)

8 Contacts

3 Appointments Booked

0 Appts Had

0 Hires

Amazing Thanksgiving Dinner with my KW Family!

$500 raised for MDA


Brett Boettge

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