Tag Archives: Sales Trainin

Exciting Thursday!!!!!

Good Evening-

I saw a few things today which I absolutely LOVE. It was passion, passion in the eyes of REALTORS who let’s face it have been beat up pretty bad in the last couple of years. It really was a light at the end of the tunnel, not a light of the market is going to get better because the simple answer is…..it’s not. This light I saw in a few great agents today was an inner light, a light that screamed I’m not taking this laying down. Let me tell you that those are the agents that I am proud to be in business with. Seriously all the negativity in the media today is overwhelming and ridiculous…. I have to use the “V” Chip to block CNN, Headline NEWS, MSNBC etc so I don’t myself fall into doom and gloom. We ARE REALTORS and why should we let the economy effect us! Do we need to wait for that yearly 4% cost of living raise like the “Employees” of the world..NO!!! Let’s use some ridiculous numbers just for fun……. my car get’s 25 MPG’s I drive 1000 Miles per month…. now let’s say GAS PRICES HIT $8.00 per gallon when currently they are $3.70 Currently I would pay $148 per month!! Ouch or is it really that bad… Now let’s use the $8.00 example… HOLY COW I HAVE TO PAY $320 per month!!!!!!!!! The world is coming to an end… or is it. You see I think you are forgetting that you as a REALTOR run your own business! If the cost of business goes UP pass it on to your customer OR SIMPLY MAKE 1 EXTRA SALE. Seriously if GAS went to $8.00 per gallon most of us immediately would think the sky was falling…. you control your business DON’T forget that. The simple act of 1 extra sale with the average commission of $4100.00 would give you enough money that you wouldn’t even notice the extra $$ at the pump for TWO ENTIRE YEARS!!!!!!! I heard someone talk about a rumor of bread going to $9.00 per loaf first of all HAHA, but let’s say it’s true. Two loaves per week at $9.00 per loaf as crazy as it sounds….. I extra sale gets me bread for almost 6 years!!

So what does this take…. a committment to your industry, a committment to education, a committment to be the best you truly can be and you will never have to worry about these things that until now were a global epidemic! So next time you hear something in the news….. don’t think the sky is falling, simply remember you are a REALTOR and you are blessed! Its great to see that fire back in your eyes…. you know who you are!

So this is how my day broke down…..

  • 3 Appointments
  • 15 Contacts
  • 9 Handwritten Notes (To BE SENT MONDAY)
  • 2 Appointments Booked 1 CAPPER/MEGA
  • 1 Consulting

Tomorrow looks like…..

  • 2 Appointments
  • 20 no’s
  • 1 Consulting
  • 1 Staff meeting

WORKOUT: Today was a nice jog, tomorrow is WEIGHTLIFTING

EATING: Carnation Instant Breakfast, Curry Chicken…. (cake and Ice Cream shhhhh) IT’S Laura’s B-DAY Tomorrow!!!

If any of you are wondering about the NET 5 Goal… When I return from Mega Camp the 29th I will have a full day of appts to sign agents… I WILL MAKE IT AND I DON’T FORESEE ANY GLITCHES…. Send some positive thoughts my way!

Thanks for reading,

Brett Boettge

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