Tag Archives: Real Estate Coaching

Coaching, Practice and Pride

Good evening loyal readers, I come to you tonight after flirting all day with an Aha. This evening I stopped flirting and committed….I looked in the mirror and said, “I am having an Aha.” the Earth shook and sure enough my life was forever changed in such a profound way I will struggle to put this in words.


Coaching , Pride and Practice what do they have in common….well they are all key ingredients in your success at the highest level. First let me address pride, we all need it as it is associated with ego, confidence, self image which are large pieces of your overall success. What else is associated with pride? Join me out on this limb as I say that pride is one of the top reasons for self sabotage. Hold that thought and follow me to coaching and practice.


Look around the wild world of sports, what do you see? A place for TOP PERFORMERS and ONLY TOP PERFORMERS! Olympians work for sometimes just a few seconds every four years…..sign me up! Football players work three hours a week sixteen weeks per year, maybe more for a strong performance. One of our Milwaukee Brewers was just picked up for $140,000,000 who stands virtually still while playing catch for a few hours a week. Tiger Woods is paid millions to do what most of us dream about having time for. I trust you know that I am being facetious and in fact these are the highest skilled performers in their craft. We may only see the fruits of their labor on Sunday or on the NBC Triplecast every four years… let’s set the fruit aside for a moment and examine the labor. What do all of these top performers have in common? Do you think they practice? Do you think they have a coach?


Football players tirelessly lift weights, execute one drill after the next, constantly study plays and examine their competitors day in and day out. They have a world class coach whose role is to provide support when they are tired, direction when they are lost and keep them focused on the results, the “Big W” (win). Now break that down, each has a single role on this team and they spend thousands of hours practicing that single piece. Before that player springs out onto the field, they know exactly what it feels like every step, every brutalizing hit and every route run. Why, because they have rehearsed it every day of their lives? Is my point crystal for you yet? Is practice and coaching a priority in the real estate industry? How about your business?


With all of this skill, why would you need a coach? We get off track don’t we? It is only a matter of time before the human element kicks in, the element of curiosity. We add it to our business or try to cut corners instead of sticking to what?? You guessed it, THE BASICS. When a team is failing, what does the coach do to bring them back into success? They take them back to basics, instilling the habits that create wild success.


Let’s just say we know it all…does your performance align? How often do you practice? Per day? Per week? What are you practicing for? What is your Olympics? A listing presentation, pricing presentation, negotiation, lead generation, what is your big show? Do you see a gap in practice and coaching in the real estate industry? Do you believe if you continue on the path you are currently on you will be an Olympian of real estate? If not why are you doing this? Is your listing presentation so amazing that millions would fight the bitter cold temperatures and tailgate hours before actually seeing it live on Sunday afternoon? How about your open houses? How can you make that a reality?


I said I would get back to pride and self sabotage, here it is. Do you believe that Brett Favre, Tiger Woods and Michael Phelps think of their coaches as a nuisance? Is the pride of “I know it all” keeping you from your peak performance? Do you see how practice and coaching are both integral parts of your business plan? So what action are you going to take in 2009. You have three very well trained coaches at your disposal in 2009, Jessica Fox, Chariti Gent and Brett Boettge… Think about the ground truth of your current reality and ask yourself if you deserve more, we’ll help get you there!




Brett Boettge

KWTL – Madison Crossroads


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The REALTOR® Holiday

The REALTOR® Holiday


This is from the heart and simply stated.. no analogies or You Tube with tonight’s blog. I’m writing you all today because I’m concerned for everyone’s business through the Fall and Winter. At my former firm, we called the period of Halloween through the Superbowl (in February) “The REALTOR(r) Holiday”. The perception is that those that are serious enough to buy or sell in the Winter months will simply call you. I agree that those that are serious enough are going to call someone…. but are you sure it is you? Is your sphere of influence safe? I don’t care how much of a friend you are, I’m more concerned about results. So take a moment and write down 20 ways you as a REALTOR can step it up with your sphere of influence through the Winter months. Now if you run out of ideas, ask yourself, “If I were my competitor, how would I outperform myself?” Focus on implementing 5 items from that list each month November-February and you will create phenomenal habits in time for the Spring market.


Now for the next myth about the REALTOR(r) holiday. Is it really a bad time to be on the market as a seller? It depends. In the winter months your competition is far less than the Spring months, so if you have a seller willing to sell in the bottom 1/3 of price and top 1/3 of condition compared to the homes competition this may be a great time to sell. When a seller says, “Let’s take it off the market until the Spring market.” what do you say? Do you just say “OK”? Why are they paying you if they are telling you how to do your job? So the question becomes who is more qualified to make that informed decision, you or the seller? Think carefully because for some of you the answer may be the seller. Which brings me to my final point…EDUCATION.


One thing on that list of 20 will probably be education. Think of education as your daily dose of medicine to combat the REALTOR(r) holiday. Whoever is your coach, mentor or trainer ask them for a bit more time than you are used to, ask them to hold you to a higher level of accountability and ask them to be honest with you about your business. If you truly are looking to come out of this “Shift” on top you will have to step up because that 72 hour licensing requirement is for license holders, they tell you nothing about being successful business owners. Are you a license holder or a business owner?


Look at the path you are currently on…honestly are you thrilled with what is at the end of that path 90 days or 5 years from now? Now think without limits…. where do you truly want to be in 5 years? Why? If you don’t change anything in your business will you see that dream become reality? Who is currently helping you get there? Are they helping you reach your goals or theirs? Ask your coach to help you create a clear action plan that works for your goals, then ask yourself if you are willing to do the work, if not ask yourself why.


I have had the opportunity to consult agents from many companies on an endless list of topics. Currently I’m showing agents how to sell listings in 14 days and take control of their businesses through planning and discipline. I can only do this for agents who have discovered what they want and why they want it. I will gladly help you today, whether it is a simple conversation over the phone, a coffee or just a quick email with a question. Understand that I am here as a resource to anyone looking to combat the REALTOR(r) holiday. Let’s step it up and raise the bar this holiday season!



Brett Boettge




P.S. Look for my “Twas the Night Before Christmas” parody for “The REALTOR(r) Holiday coming soon…..



Contacts Made: 14

New Apts Set: 3

New Apts Had:

2nd Apts. Had: 1

(transition apts) 0

Yes to KW: 0

In Transition: 0

Joined: 0

No: 0

Undecided: 1



Needs Delivery?: Finding Buyers – Moving Listings

Handwritten Notes: 4


Personal Education: Revisit – Power of Flexible Pricing Power Point


Aha’s/Blurb: Success truly is a compilation of daily choices/actions.

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