Tag Archives: Personal Accountability

November… The Month of Gratitude



Are you a negative person? Do you feed off of water cooler gossip? Is today’s economic crisis fuel for your soul? It sounds bazaar doesn’t it? That people may actually enjoy being negative, thrive in negative environments and recruit to their cause. It seems bazaar to me! You may not view yourself as one of these types….but are you?


Even if we are mentally on the up and up, in heavy times…. we can get down. The solution lies in gratitude and I can’t think of a better month for it. So take a moment and turn down the volume of life, ignore the headlines, disregard breaking news and FOCUS, if just for a moment on what you can be grateful for. Take a look at your life….STOP, did you go to the negative first? Try again, you have a roof over your head, that is a start. You are reading this email so….you either have a computer or know someone that does! I bet you even have a full stomach or are planning your next fast food assault on it. Think of your children….maybe they are playing in the seasonable weather, maybe they are sleeping upstairs, maybe the smartest in the class, maybe not… what they are is amazing.. be grateful.


My point is simple we get caught up in “life” more often than not, we react to it. Take pause and soak it up, I guarantee it’s better than you think. If you are passing this off as a cliché, sappy and from the soap box Thanksgiving letter…..stop reading, I thought I left all of you back in the first paragraph. Here comes my challenge, try STOPPING negativity at the very first sign. What does that sound like? “I have an issue!” STOP “Why does this always…” STOP. Start taking responsibility for negative behavior, by allowing it, YOU are part of it.


This “Aha” hit me last week when I noticed that I allowed a certain amount of negativity in my life. THOSE DAYS ARE GONE! So if you enjoyed blowing off some steam, explaining why you can’t or doing your very best to drag me down, from this day forward you will come barking up the wrong tree. I’m not interested in your belly-aching and honestly I’m hurting them by allowing it to continue. So this is the solution!


Write down 25 things you can be grateful for today! Read it every morning and consider that your daily dose of mental accountability. You don’t want to be a victim do you? Do you want to enable your friends and families victim mentality? By forcing yourself to write down 25 things you are grateful for you just took a great step towards changing your life. Think without limits……take away the comfort of excuses….then and only then can you change your life.




Brett Boettge – KWTL Madison Crossroads




Contacts Made:300                                       

Appointments Set: 32

New Appointments Had:20

Second Appointments Had:12

Cappers IN:2

Cappers OUT:0

Half Cappers IN:2

Half Cappers OUT:0


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