Tag Archives: Leadership

The Model and Me!

Good Evening Friends,

I told you you wouldn’t get a post today and I lied. I’m inspired and the keystrokes are going to come to me with ease and elegance this evening. I had a quick round trip drive of 9 hours to my Regional Leadership meeting over the last 24 hours and there is nothing, nothing in this world that will bring you more clarity than a 500 miles and a radio cranked to the level of troubled adolescent. A man and his thoughts….the drive up to Minneapolis we’ll call defragmenting where I literally pieced together my thoughts and experiences of the 1st quarter of 2011 compared to the vision I have for my life. Not a single aha or breakthrough in that process, as a matter of fact from the outside looking in…this was about as entertaining as watching your computer literally defragment for four hours.

I arrived in Minneapolis caffeinated and ready for bed at 2a.m. and then I blinked and the alarm went off, up and out of bed I flew and I just felt a little lighter. I had a quick breakfast, executed my first coaching call of the day and then headed to my meeting encouraged to see Wendy Harrelson LIVE, as I am used to the e-meetings these days. I believe my DeFrag set me up for an incredible learning experience, the morning was packed with aha’s, nothing I haven’t heard before I was just hearing it in a different way today, a way that had a clear path to implementation…I started to get excited in true Brett style and expressed it by laying back in my chair, crossing my arms and not smiling. Then Wendy took the floor and WOW, most would describe her as dynamic, phenomenal, a powerhouse, talented and she is undoubtedly all of those things but there was something more about this one….she was authentic. Wendy wasn’t channeling Gary Keller, impersonating Todd Butzer or quoting rhetoric from Zig Ziglar, Wendy spoke the truth, the gritty, in your face, “I’m sorry but it’s terminal” level of truth. I was dazzled, won over and more importantly refreshed. Let me tell you why….

As a brand new 25 year old TL (4 years ago), you are pretty programmable to be a warrior of productivity. The message, “people have succeeded before you and it would be wise to learn from their lessons and do what they did.” Some of the best advice in the world if you don’t take it too literally. Unfortunately I did. Through the intense training I participated in over the next 4 years  I saw all the greats, Brian Combs, Craig Owen, Eric Copper, The Great Eugenio and Shawn Rawls. These guys are all examples of supreme leadership and all I wanted to do was to be that successful for my agents, my family and my O.P. and four years later, this is what I found….Brian Combs is the best because he is Brian Combs, I am an o.k. Brian Combs. Shawn Rawls in probably one of the most successful leaders in our organization, he is GREAT at what he does, being Shawn Rawls, I am a mediocre Shawn Rawls at best. There is a model to follow, and after four years I get the model, I understand it backwards and forwards and I appreciate it. My next evolution is to trust myself and know that to be the very best, I have to be Brett Boettge. There is no seminar, no coaching, no book that will alter my approach, I will execute the model in my unique style…everything else will just enhance me. This is one of those life altering moments and I left this meeting with such a rush I didn’t even say goodbye to half my friends that were there, sorry guys. I experienced 240 miles of clarity and alignment…..it almost felt as though super powers were given to me and along with that weights were lifted off my shoulders.

So the road ahead….you know just as well as I do that this moment of inspiration is just that a moment of inspiration. I could wake up tomorrow and instead of enjoying my DeFragged brain, it may be a blue screen or twirling hour glass. That is why this blog exists…this blog is uniquely me, this blog is for me and if this long post nearing 1000 words is too much, I didn’t write this for you…so get over it. I am on a track and this track will lead me into the next chapter of my life…



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Designing Your Reality

Watch this video of Harold and the Purple Crayon…..What are your thoughts? What if you had that much control over your business? Is it possible? Please share your thoughts, I just came off of a year where I often felt like Harold and I’d like to hear different opinions and experiences.

Brett Boettge

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