Tag Archives: Economy

Never neverland……

Good Evening-

I had the pleasure of attending a function at The Madison Club today where Dave Stark, President of The Stark Company REALTORS(r) spoke. I truly have to thank Dave for the line of the week… or the line of current market. “At that price the buyer for your property is probably being born today!” Thanks for that Dave! At this function, the talk was directed towards how we got here, and where we are going. Is it the lending industry, the housing industry, uneducated consumers, Wall Street or Mainstreet. I really don’t think that you can narrow it down to just one, and I don’t necessarily think that any one cause is more to blame than the other. Instead of saying it is one entity or industry responsible for our crisis, I think what we have to blame is human nature. It is human nature to “want” and really “wanting” is what lead us down this road. Let’s just watch Joe Buyer, the consumer start the fall of the domino driven by want. Joe wants a house in 2001, Joe finds a house but Joe wants more house, interest rates are low so Joe can afford the monthly payment on more…. the lender makes commission and wants more so the lender aggressively finds more people that want more house at a low monthly payment, with a low interest rate. Houses start moving FAST and supply is low, the consumer wants more… so more are built, lenders want more, wall street wants more and everyone tries to figure out how to make more. Now we are at 2004 and Joe Buyer wants more again so he sells at a ridiculous profit and buys more assuming he can do it again. Lenders saw how great that worked for Joe Buyer and wanted more, so they loaned more because, well what is the worst that can happen they sell the property and make a profit!! Now builders want more so they move on to phase 2, 3 and 4 knowing that “If I build it they will come.” Now the “I want more train” is going so fast nobody can stop it… what most forgot to look at is that when Joe Buyer made that ridiculous profit in 2004 selling the home he purchased in 2001, let’s say at least 20% appreciation over that period, they didn’t realize that wages didn’t increase at the same rate. I’m no economist, but doesn’t that create an affordability issue? Now the consumer wants MORE, but if their income doesn’t rise to the occasion, how do they pay for more? CREDIT, but the lenders want more and they were “going green” meaning they stopped taking environmentally unfriendly applications and just started giving money. So where does the blame fall? Think of every American consumer in a classroom, now imagine the teacher (lending regulations) stepping out for 15 minutes. Sure a few of us just patiently sit at our desks content as can be, but the ones who start eating glue when the teacher is gone…. those are the ones that were the catalyst for where we are today. I guess now we know what American Consumers would do if nobody was watching….. I was one of those Americans that ate the glue! I bought in 2002, sold in 2004 for an 18% profit, I WANTED more so I bought a condo on non-conforming, interest only, 5 year balloon, with ZERO down, in the unicorn section, with the pot ‘o’ gold option, banking on an 18% profit in 2 years again. Well guess how that is working out for me now?! Again I’m no economist, and I’m not even that smart, but let me bottom line this for you. The median sales price of single family homes in Dane County 1997-2007 rose 75.24% from $124,800 to $218,700 while incomes in Dane County rose over the same period my best estimate of 19.18%. In order for the housing boom to go on unchecked, the median income in Dane County would have had to increase from roughly $48,500 to $84,991 from 1997-2007. Well let me ask you if your household income made that leap? In reality the median Dane County household income today is around $55,000….. so what happened? We still WANTED MORE and financed the difference because the teacher walked out. The economy cycles are human cycles, predictable just like humans are as long as we watch the right numbers. Affordability truly is the governing factor in housing, and well….you can’t buy ’em like you used to.

Thanks for reading…..numbers soon to follow…


Brett Boettge

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Exciting Thursday!!!!!

Good Evening-

I saw a few things today which I absolutely LOVE. It was passion, passion in the eyes of REALTORS who let’s face it have been beat up pretty bad in the last couple of years. It really was a light at the end of the tunnel, not a light of the market is going to get better because the simple answer is…..it’s not. This light I saw in a few great agents today was an inner light, a light that screamed I’m not taking this laying down. Let me tell you that those are the agents that I am proud to be in business with. Seriously all the negativity in the media today is overwhelming and ridiculous…. I have to use the “V” Chip to block CNN, Headline NEWS, MSNBC etc so I don’t myself fall into doom and gloom. We ARE REALTORS and why should we let the economy effect us! Do we need to wait for that yearly 4% cost of living raise like the “Employees” of the world..NO!!! Let’s use some ridiculous numbers just for fun……. my car get’s 25 MPG’s I drive 1000 Miles per month…. now let’s say GAS PRICES HIT $8.00 per gallon when currently they are $3.70 Currently I would pay $148 per month!! Ouch or is it really that bad… Now let’s use the $8.00 example… HOLY COW I HAVE TO PAY $320 per month!!!!!!!!! The world is coming to an end… or is it. You see I think you are forgetting that you as a REALTOR run your own business! If the cost of business goes UP pass it on to your customer OR SIMPLY MAKE 1 EXTRA SALE. Seriously if GAS went to $8.00 per gallon most of us immediately would think the sky was falling…. you control your business DON’T forget that. The simple act of 1 extra sale with the average commission of $4100.00 would give you enough money that you wouldn’t even notice the extra $$ at the pump for TWO ENTIRE YEARS!!!!!!! I heard someone talk about a rumor of bread going to $9.00 per loaf first of all HAHA, but let’s say it’s true. Two loaves per week at $9.00 per loaf as crazy as it sounds….. I extra sale gets me bread for almost 6 years!!

So what does this take…. a committment to your industry, a committment to education, a committment to be the best you truly can be and you will never have to worry about these things that until now were a global epidemic! So next time you hear something in the news….. don’t think the sky is falling, simply remember you are a REALTOR and you are blessed! Its great to see that fire back in your eyes…. you know who you are!

So this is how my day broke down…..

  • 3 Appointments
  • 15 Contacts
  • 9 Handwritten Notes (To BE SENT MONDAY)
  • 2 Appointments Booked 1 CAPPER/MEGA
  • 1 Consulting

Tomorrow looks like…..

  • 2 Appointments
  • 20 no’s
  • 1 Consulting
  • 1 Staff meeting

WORKOUT: Today was a nice jog, tomorrow is WEIGHTLIFTING

EATING: Carnation Instant Breakfast, Curry Chicken…. (cake and Ice Cream shhhhh) IT’S Laura’s B-DAY Tomorrow!!!

If any of you are wondering about the NET 5 Goal… When I return from Mega Camp the 29th I will have a full day of appts to sign agents… I WILL MAKE IT AND I DON’T FORESEE ANY GLITCHES…. Send some positive thoughts my way!

Thanks for reading,

Brett Boettge

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