Tag Archives: Dreamboard

Unlocking “The Secret”

The Secret hard at work!

The Secret hard at work!

My oldest Sister Donna called me today after reading my post about gratitude and had some positive comments to share. Donna brought up “The Secret” then asked if I had seen it and what my thoughts were on the DVD. Have I seen it? I live it, I love it and whether you believe that having a positive attitude and thinking without limits teamed with inspired action will bring you anything you ask for, or if you feel that “The Secret” is just  some new age hocus pocus, I really don’t care…..this is my story.

The picture I posted in this blog entry… why is it significant? It looks very similar to my blog header doesn’t it? Well the picture in this blog entry was taken from the balcony off of my master bedroom of my lake home. Sounds bragadocious… it isn’t, what it is, is “The Secret” hard at work and I only share this to illustrate my point. Where do I look every day, my blog, why did I choose that picture for my blog header… because I wanted that view. How long have I dreamed of living on Lake Monona? 3 Years! How long after I started this blog with that picture did my dream become a reality? EXACTLY 9 WEEKS!

Coincidence…I think not! I had my staff at KW Crossroads embark on a one day retreat, we spent the morning doing strategic planning, the afternoon at the spa, and the late afternoon creating dream boards. A dream board is a collection of your goals and dreams put on paper for you to constantly see. We did this based off of “life wheels” where we rate different areas of our life. The place I scored the worst was family and personal life. On by dream board I made family a focus….. what happened? I have the most wonderful companion anyone could ask for and a beautiful baby girl (Brooklynne) on the way.

The Secret has spoiled me!

The Secret has spoiled me!

Is this just a series of fortunate events or the power of the secret working for me. Another goal of mine was to become a published author…I’m moving towards that goal daily. How do I know that? From comments I receive from readers like you, we have a small following today, but in just 90 days over 2000 people have viewed this blog.

So the question is…do you believe in “The Secret”. Is it really a secret? Is asking the universe the same as prayer? One piece of the secret that people often miss is that simply asking the universe or praying alone won’t cut it, it takes inspired action. If we sit on the couch asking as hard as we can and don’t create opportunity for ourselves it doesn’t work. To have this lake home it took action in an inspired moment and a lot of creativity. To create a family took a whole other kind of inspired action.. no pun intended. So what if it does work… the dream board… asking the universe for what you desire…. and inspired action. Wouldn’t it be worth it to try? If it doesn’t work, what have you lost? A piece of posterboard and a few moments of thought that would have most likely been filled with garbage manufactured by the media conglomerate.

So if you want to give it a try… here are the steps.

  • Get a piece of poster board from your favorite “Big Box” store.
  • Divide the poster board into 4 quadrants, Career – Professional – Personal Financial – Health, Spiritual, Philanthropic
  • Ask yourself… If you were talking to someone in 2013 and you had to tell them the last 5 years were phenomenal… what would have had to happen in each quadrant between 2008 and 2013 for you to be able to say IT WAS ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL!
  • Write your answers in the quadrants and then cut out visuals for those dreams from magazines and glue them on the poster board.
  • Put the poster somewhere you can see it, your office, your bathroom, your closet etc…. take a picture and print off a smaller version to keep in your wallet.
  • (Optional) Do this exercise with your companion and have their goals as well.

Remember that is the first step…. inspired action is next. Identify who can help you achieve these goals and how you can get their. Remember to think without limits and eliminate excuses because I’m not buyin’ them! If you need assistance with the activities that will help you reach your goal, shoot an email to TheNextLevel@kw.com and I will gladly assist you. You owe it to yourself to take the time to do this exercise… remember you often react to life… get proactive and work on your life because nobody will change it for you.

Week to Date #’s

Contacts Made: 34

New Apts Set: 6

New Apts Had: 0

2ndApts. Had: 3

(transition apts) 0

Yes to KW: 0

In Transition: 1

Joined: 0

No: 0

Undecided: 3



Needs Delivery?: Moving Listings, Buyer Urgency, Financing

Handwritten Notes: 4


Personal Education: KW Resources Review


Aha’s/Blurb: I am grateful for all I have today.

Yours in making dreams come true,

Brett Boettge
KWTL – Madison Crossroads

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