Tag Archives: Dane County

Designing Your Reality

Watch this video of Harold and the Purple Crayon…..What are your thoughts? What if you had that much control over your business? Is it possible? Please share your thoughts, I just came off of a year where I often felt like Harold and I’d like to hear different opinions and experiences.

Brett Boettge

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Floyd Wickman S.M.A.R.T Program – November 4th 2009

Dear Friends,

Many of you enrolled in the upcoming Floyd Wickman S.M.A.R.T. Program beginning on Nov. 4th  … Floyd and I thank you for your trust, and we congratulate you for taking this important step in your career – we will grow together, have a BLAST and become lifelong friends!  If you know someone else in your office that really needs this program, ask them to join you on your TEAM! 

Some of you are considering it, and it’s important to know that the S.M.A..R.T. Program is not for everybody … we have room for JUST 3 MORE “special people” who :  Want / need to improve production and build  SALABLE Listings;  Believe in living by Core Values;  Want  more Balance in their careers;  And appreciate “teamwork”.  Experience level should not matter, as we all do the same things at the same time.

Ask yourself this question; “What other opportunity is coming to my area, that has a proven track record of 200% productivity improvement, that is fully endorsed by my company, that costs less than 1/4 of one commission, and will get me doing at least 1 listing or sale per week without working harder?”

If the S.M.A.R.T. Program is the only opportunity with all these ingredients, then consider getting on board today. I understand that we may already be nearing capacity we have ROOM FOR JUST 3 MORE.  Thank you, and I’ll see you on Nov. 4th  at Session One!  Be early … we begin promptly at 8:30 am Candlewood Suites, Fitchburg, WI. RSVP to TheNextLevel@kw.com


  Warmly, Gary Carpenter – Master Trainer, Floyd Wickman Team

PS:  Holler anytime if you need me or have questions about this opportunity.                                              402-680-7000 or email is gary@floydwickman.com

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Real Estate Sales – Back to Basics

Contact to Learn When 36:12:3 is available in Madison, WI


Back to Basics…1920 X 33 = $1,000,000


“My listing presentation needs some work!” “I was planning on tweaking different area’s on my website today!” “There is this cool paperless office solution I have to look into!” “I have to master Neuro-Linguistic-Programming before I talk to anyone!” Does that sound like your days in real estate? Always preparing to make it BIG? Think of those press conferences after your favorite sports teams lose regardless of what they play…. What does the coach say? If the coach is a great coach, it is a simple statement, “We have some work to do and plan on going back to the basics!” Words of wisdom and overused only because human nature pulls us into creativity constantly re-inventing the wheel. So what are the basics in real estate?


Just like any other industry the strength of our business is directly proportionate to the people that choose the use our product/service. This comes down to your database and how often and effectively you communicate with those in it. In this real estate war, if we want to win we need to meet people, LOTS of people. How? I don’t care!! Do you understand that.. really let that sink in… it doesn’t matter how you meet people, the proven models of the Millionaire Real Estate Agent says you just need to meet 1920 of them, database them and communicate with them often and effectively. What does 1920 “met” people in your database mean to you when communicated with properly? What if I told you it meant $190,000…. $380,000….$720,000….. it honestly comes out to be $1,000,000. Is that enough to bring you back to the basics?


What would that do for you? Your family? Does it seem overwhelming…meeting 1920 people? That is 8 people every day you work…. If you worked 48 weeks per year and added 8 new people to your database and into the proper touch plan STARTING today you would have the Millionaires Database. The problem most of you will have is mindset.. you either aren’t willing to do the work, or you don’t believe the model……so you never start. Think of three years ago… it wasn’t that long ago was it? However three years into the future seems FAR to long to wait for massive success….you need to choose today in order to avoid an “I wish I had moment” three years from now. That is how simple this business is…..don’t make the mistake of overcomplicating it! So when does the rest of the real estate business come into play?


Once you focus on meeting people and creating an abundant database of “mets” it is important you track your effectiveness and employ a coach. The coach will direct you on where to best spend your time outside of meeting people and communicating with them. Your coach should know what target conversion rates are for your industry and have the knowledge to help you discover how to overcome any challenges that come up. Your coach cannot have any of these conversations with you if you don’t have any “at bats”, meaning – a listing appointment, buyer appointment etc.. So let’s recap what we need to do to start.


  • Meet people and obtain their contact information (8 per day = 1 yr – adjust for how hard you are willing to work and when you want your first $1,000,000)
  • Create a proper touch plan that is generic, yet effective and adhere to it. Execution of this plan consistently should become second nature similar to brushing your teeth.
  • Time Block your mornings for the execution of this plan… the touch plan and the meeting of people.
  • Remember – It doesn’t matter how you meet new people as long as you meet them.
  • Finally, understand this. I said it was simple, I never said it was easy. This is hard work as is the basis for any fantastic business. Of those trained even at the highest level in these tactics ONLY 3% actually apply them consistently. Those 3% are the highest performers not in our company, but in the Real Estate Industry. It is not the chosen few, but the few that choose!


You all have an equal opportunity in this market to be the very best. Take away ALL excuses and ask yourself “How can I?” and “Who can help me?” and all you will be left with are the results you seek. If you are a victim of our universe you probably decided a few sentences into this blog entry or email that this type of success isn’t possible for you. I can assure you if that is your mindset you are DEAD on. Make success a choice, it is just that simple.




Brett Boettge

Team Leader | CEO

Keller Williams Realty – Madison Crossroads

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The Keller Williams Model – Myth #1

Mudslinging 101 (2014 Update at Bottom)


What does a team leader do? Well my role is to train agents on how to overcome the challenges faced in any market. I also consult agents on specific roadblocks to unlocking their greatest potential for example call reluctance, time management or fears of rejection, success or failure (all of which I have to continually evaluate for myself daily). I also am responsible for the growth of our market center in agents, market share and most importantly profits.


In my appointments with potential candidates for KW Madison Crossroads, you can imagine I have heard every objection to joining our market center. Typically there are a few that continually resurface. Who do you believe supplies these objections to a KW candidate? Right… a fearful broker! Why do you believe that these objections are supplied…MONEY! Do you believe that a competing broker talks negatively about another company because they fear for YOUR career or because they fear for THEIR bottom line? The converse of that is, as a Team Leader responsible for growth and profits, do you believe it benefits my reputation to bring an agent on and have them be less productive at my firm? Would you say that I would be highly motivated to ensure that they maintain, if not drastically improve their production? So to review, you have a broker that is motivated by money to discourage you from talking with a team leader at KW motivated by helping you become more productive and profitable to meet YOUR goals….does that make sense? I’d like to address the first myth of KW, a myth that comes up quite often and even nationally.


Per agent productivity! Maybe at a sales meeting, maybe in a one on one, or maybe in passing you have heard this term. What does it mean? Well it means that you take the total units of an office and divide it by its total number of agents. Of the National real estate franchises, Keller Williams consistently has one of the lowest per agent productivities. I’m very honest and forthright so I’ll just throw that on the table for all to see… KW has one of THE LOWEST per agent productivities in real estate. That could be perceived as a very negative statistic if you didn’t understand that it is an integral piece of our business plan. For example, let’s say XYZ Real Estate has a per agent productivity of 12.3 units and KW has a per agent productivity of 5.9… a competing broker may say that if you join KW you will lose 50% of your production or “Clearly their education doesn’t work our agents close on average 6.4 more units each!” Let’s take a look at our business model to understand this once and for all.


Keller Williams has a capping commission structure, meaning that after you close (in our market) $2,400,000 in sales volume you move from a 70/30 split to 100% meaning the commissions you pay into our company has “capped”. This means that agent no longer provides revenue to the market center… do you see how this effects cash flow? Lets say that we had an office of 20 agents of which 20 were “cappers” with the seasonality of our market most of those 20 agents would “cap” by July or August… meaning we have no revenue to run our office in September through December because all of our agents are at 100%. What we then do is find 20 agents whose goals are $1,200,000 in closed volume or a “half capper” to feed those months, and finally 20 agents who do $600,000 or less in closed volume to supplement even further. I just describe our perfect and most profitable business model for a capping commission structure – 1/3 of agents Cappers +, 1/3 of agents ½ cappers and 1/3 of agents ¼ cappers. Does that mean that we are an office of low producers? Tell that to Guy Lofts who has been taking home 100% of his commissions since July of 2008 and will until February 1st 2009. Tell that to Bill Baker who reached his cap in roughly 60 days and carrying a listing inventory nearing $50,000,000. Tell the Mullikin’s that they are not producers when their entire team capped after 5 months, leaving them at 100% commission for 7 months of the year! Explain to Judy Braund that because of per agent productivity, she is expected to under perform instead of receiving 100% commission checks until July 1st 2009.


What about those that do only close a few transactions per year??? First of all they are in your company as well, I track production so you can’t tell me otherwise. Second, for most that is their goal.. they only want to do six transactions. I can’t put my high production goals on them can I? What I can do is let them know my expectation is that they can do 2 transactions or 200 in our firm and it doesn’t make a lick of difference to me. WHAT IS IMPORTANT is that when they handle the sale or purchase of the largest asset in their clients life, they are trained to a T. All of our agents regardless of production level are required to meet a minimum standard of 1 training course per week as of 08/01/2008. First of all I understand my agents goals and what they need to do to get there, second I support them in achieving them regardless of the number. It is that focus on THEIR goals that has created a loyalty, and community of trust as well as achievement. Have you ever let someone else’s goal determine yours? Probably not! So if you choose to do 100 transactions and Joe Agent chooses to do 4, how does that really effect you?


Our opportunity is world class, I can assure you of that. Our business model is unique, one that if run properly can reach profitability never before thought possible in a “Shifted” market. This year we are sharing roughly $38,000,000 in profits back with our agents. The more profit we create the more profit we share, because of that we all have a vested interest in your success. So you can listen to the rumors, buy into the myths, or you can stay in curiosity and profit from the truth. Learn why Keller Williams is the fasting growing real estate franchise in North America. Learn how I will serve you in reaching your goals today and for years to come.

UPDATE 06.2014 – Almost 6 years after drafting this post, kw is #1 in North America, rapidly expanding Internationally and I am still with Keller Williams Realty. If you are considering a career with kw, you owe it to yourself to contact me, find out what has changed since I wrote this and what the future holds. The best IS yet to come and I couldn’t be more excited to see how you may become part of the vision. Visit http://www.PropertyReveal.com or call my cell 561.859.1839.




Brett Boettge

Team Leader | CEO

Keller Williams Realty-Madison Crossroads


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Update to “About This Blog”

Those that have truly followed this blog saw an evolution from the original 4 posts per day, down to 3, then 2, then 1. The posts for 2009 are going to be very much mind-set based….. and starting with a 2 post per day minimum. I will open this blog up to more of how I feel throughout my days journey. The morning will start witha gratitude entry, then my day ends with a “closing argument”. That “closing argument” will share a story of every single day and how I am pushing myself at the first urge of letting up. This is my roadblock, my issue of appt. v.s. join, the reason massive success escaped me in 2008 and after deep thought the one single piece of my life that if improved, will enhance EVERY aspect of my life.
So where does intensity show up? I’ll share withyou what I think…. It’s not backing down when you know what is right, It’s passionately expressing your opinion regardless of mixed company, it’s tenacity…on a deeper level, it’s a healthy “fierce” conversation with a loved one, its looking deep into someone’s eyes because you care, it’s asking the questions nobody else will, it’s attacking that subject most avoid, it’s honestly answering the question “What are you pretending not to know?” it’s allowing yourself to feel so passionately about something you contemplate the impossible, its pushing those around you to see their ultimate potential, its making the tough calls without hesitation.
What is the cancer that created my personal, unconscious indifference in the face of intensity? There was no defining moment that led to a lack of intensity, it is more of a compilation of experiences. My parents divorce? To this day I still claim that had no effect on me at thirteen. Now my first marriage (not tipping my hand to the possibility of a second) had more of an effect, not pinpointing the relationship itself, but the time period. Somewhere between 1999 and 2004 I lost something that came natural, emotion. My strong strength of logic and lack of emotion has brought me to where I am today and I am grateful, that same combination has held me back from the next level. It has always been said that I have a great energy. Only in the last week did I realize the difference between energy and intensity. Energy is just that, my mood is positive, I’m quite animated and I never seem to tire throughout the day. I am a motivator. Intensity is focused energy, energy that commands respect and walks that line, gushing with passion that inspires (long term), not motivates (short term). Intensity is fueled by emotion and I’m thankful for Jody and Brooklynne, both have helped in my journey to repair what I thought was irreparably broken.
I’m not a huge sports fan, yet here is a quote.. “let’s leave it all out on the field” thanks for all of your support and I appreciate your interest in following a “twenty something” executive on a pursuit of personal excellence.
Brett Boettge
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Turning up the INTENSITY in ’09

Turning Up Intensity in 2009


Before we get into the meat of this blog, let’s do a quick exercise. Raise your right arm as high as you can possibly raise it….. seriously, come on nobody is looking. OK keep it there……….wait… NOW raise it just ½ an inch higher. Your arm moved didn’t it? Now I understand some of you may have been far to cool to partake in this exercise, so for you guys, try it on someone you know. It works.


What did the above exercise prove? Even though we think we are doing all we can, there is a little extra we can strive for, just another ½ an inch. That ½ an inch is the difference between good and great, so how do we consistently operate in the GREAT mode? Darren Kittleson is one of my many coaches and this was the topic of our conversation in yesterdays meeting. This conversation actually started three weeks ago with all of my coaches and evolved into a singular area for personal improvement. INTENSITY.


One thing I am unfailingly is honest, brutally honest… don’t get me wrong I occasionally exaggerate or embellish to increase the entertainment value of a story and I dream very big all the time. What I don’t do is disillusion myself as to my strengths and weaknesses which makes me very coach-able. What am I getting at? I have to turn it up in 2009, I need to work in that ½ inch of greatness. So what are my roadblocks?


It was kicked around last night that I have a need for people to like me which is why I don’t push them far enough. Maybe I have become complacent in my role? What about the accountability blog? This blog has helped me grow in so many ways, has helped keep me focused on daily tasks, created clarity that allows me to communicate on a much higher level and created daily habits that will help me on any endeavor I choose. What is the accountability blogs next evolution? I’ll think about that, and I’m sure it will be very entertaining…. Along the lines of do something every day that scares you.


 The bottom line is I sense that ½ in. and I stay or back away, rarely pushing forward. I really think this is why wild success escapes so many. All my life I have heard, “You will succeed at whatever it is you choose to do.” And many would consider me successful by THEIR definition. I’ll tell you today I’m proud of what I accomplished in my life, and I wouldn’t yet call myself successful….by MY definition. So what is the mantra for 2009?


Slight edge decisions, pushing myself farther than I thought possible. Identifying that point of hesitation and pushing just a bit more. On a much grander scale and deeper level, who knows if I will be around one year, five years or twenty years. I need to treat every day like it could be my last…Writing that eulogy and ensuring that those around me would say those things about me. Truly understanding that if I feel comfortable, I’m not giving my all at home or at the office.


Join me in making 2009 the best year ever…. ½ inch at a time. Make sure you have someone in your life that will ask you to rise up just a bit more, into that land of the unknown, the land where wild success is created.




Brett Boettge

Team Leader | CEO

Keller Williams Realty Madison Crossroads


Have a very Happy Holiday



0 Appointments

22 Contacts

1 Appt Booked

1 Cancelled

0 Joined

0 Maybes

0 Undecided

Christmas greetings complete : )

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Snow Day of Inspiration

“Snow day” (read entire article)


I write today during the gap that was my “Shift Book Club”, you see, we were just pounded with Thundersnow which after some research seems to only happen in .07% of all snow occurrences. Meaning an overwhelming amount of the white fluffy precipitation has buried the Madison, WI area in the last 18 hours. One of our closing officers and I are the only individuals that have made it into the office, in hindsight… cocoa at home in front of the fire is a much better option.


Yesterday was our quarterly Leadership Summit for the top 20% of KW agents and their guests. These events are always valuable and are meant to create synergy and high performance for the best of our best. They are also a way for Darren Kittleson our Operating Principal and Designated Broker to give back to the agents that do so much for our company. We obviously have had four of these events in 2008, so what made this leadership summit unique.. something that has compelled me to write…..keep reading.


This leadership summit was about coaching, and thinking and for me personally it was about raising the bar. We have heard Zig Ziglar say, “Get rid of that stinkin’ thinkin’ and give yourself a checkup from the neck up”. I know I have heard that thousands of times in my iPod either flying or jogging it has been programmed in my head. Did I really know what it meant? Sure… but at what level? I have written about this many times… you hear it, you understand it, but do you let simple concepts even complex ones impact our life? The resounding answer is YES, however Susan Scott would tell you the “ground truth” is no, plain and simple. Let’s take positive thinking, how long have I been a student of that? Five years! How long ago did I truly understand what it meant on a deep enough level to impact my life…yesterday! One single defining moment, not for a person, an office or a firm, but for an industry.


Darren Kittleson entered into Frame of Mind coaching, a ten week coaching and guided journaling program based on assessing your current thinking and trading up to more positive thought. This has obviously had an overwhelming impact on Darren’s life as there were numerous comments from guests regarding his improved mood, approachability and if you look at him you can tell he is having fun in life. Darren’s coach was live with us yesterday via conference call and speaker phone and actually had Darren share some of his journal with the group and do a live “mini-coaching” session in front of us…. As Darren started to share his journal…no, that makes it sound far less powerful than this experience truly was for myself and forty others in the room. Darren bared his soul, essentially becoming naked (not literally) in front of a room of his business partners, friends and even strangers. Darren shared one of what has to be his most personal stories with us that day, and truly lead by example. Not only was this a story, every meticulous detail that Darren recalled of this personal experience was paired with his corresponding emotion. The mood in the room was different in so many ways from uncomfortable to inspiring, for me it was a bit of discomfort, but overwhelming envy… I wondered why I felt that way… I didn’t feel discomfort because of the content of the story, but the concept… baring your soul in front of so many. Darren’s coach addressed this later, letting me know that exactly what I was feeling was solely because of how I thought. Envious, for many reasons, first I could not describe a single moment in my life with that much emotion, second, I have never had a moment in my life that was that genuine, not even with myself and third, I could not think of a moment in my life that defined me, I seem to flow from circumstance to circumstance and adapt, never have I LET a single moment impact me in such a way.


So what had Darren accomplished on Thursday, December 19th 2008…. He re-defined leadership. Opening up the deepest corners of his life and in turn has enriched the lives of those around him. Darren lead by example, seeing a needed change for himself and an industry… putting himself out there while creating that “first track” across the frozen lake for those to follow. This level of openness in a very powerful and successful man has raised the bar so high… I’m not sure I’ll ever reach it… and I will try. Moments like those on Thursday, December 19th were so many things, inspiring, honest, genuine, powerful, heartwarming….  more so than any….those moments are rare and I will never forget that day.


Darren thank you so much for an extraordinary day, a wonderful business relationship and the opportunity to build a legacy. I’m honored to be in business with you.


I’ll leave you with a closing thought….. not even knowing what Darren’s story was, how genuine is your life? What does your “About Me” page really tell me “About You”. Is it some glazed over, politically correct, very calculated elevator speech OR does it tell me who you are. Think about that for a moment…. Are you a clever wordsmith or the genuine article? I asked myself the same questions and I find myself conflicted…. What I can tell you is by sharing those things held close and not an embarrassing secret, but something personal that has affected you in a profound way, you cultivate relationships to the next level while creating an unbreakable bond.


Thanks for reading…..


Weeks #’s

55 Contacts

5 – 2 First time 3 2nd

Depending on how you count…. 3-6 Cancels

Yes to KW – 1

In Transition – 2

No to KW – 0

Still Need Work – 2

Joined  – 1 Welcome aboard Diana Hause!

B2B Appts – 1



Brett Boettge

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Bill “Bow-Tie” Baker – Leading Excellence

The above is the launch video for the BRAND NEW, KW Commercial


“Agent 57” No Longer a Secret Agent


Innovation, dedication, passion, leadership….what do you think when you hear those words? I can’t help but think of Bill Baker and “The Baker Realty Group”. Have you heard of him? Not many have and let me tell you why…modesty. Bill Baker who I affectionately refer to as “Agent 57” (the 57th agent to join Keller Williams Realty Madison Crossroads) has managed to fly just under the radar of the public and REALTOR® population despite his massive success.  As Bill is reading this, I’m sure he would be squirming if he knew what was coming… an unveiling is the best way to describe what I’m about to write.


Bill Baker is, once you take away “Limited Service” firms consistently in the “Top 5” listing agents out of well over 2800 real estate professionals in South Central Wisconsin. Bill is also very proactive in seeking the buyers for those listings and is successful in finding that lone buyer without the help of other agents 98% of the time. This is a man who is so passionate about his industry even holding a listing inventory often exceeding $50,000,000 he finds time to give back. Over the past 18 months I have had the honor of working with Bill Baker and witnessed him constantly developing the agents around him through 1 on 1 coaching, teaching Keller William’s curriculum and bringing agent in on his projects.


Why do I share this with you? Bill Baker is a listing agent’s, listing agent and soon to be a household name in Luxury Residential sales in the Greater Madison Area and South Central Wisconsin. With a track record of selling homes in what most see as impossible conditions and doing it often in less than 60 days, I’m doing you a disservice by not introducing him to you. Bill is a true professional and it is not business as usual with Bill. If you are looking for an agent that will tell you what you need to know, and use the most innovative home selling techniques to create a “feeding frenzy” on your property Bill is hands down one of the best.


Bill, through his expertise and team of professionals (Victoria Murray – Buyers Agent, Jeff Statz – Finance Consultant, and Dave Jaquish – Home Inspector) has efficiently saved his customers and clients hundreds of thousands of dollars. Imagine the difference that this makes on his clients lives. As CEO of Keller Williams Realty Madison Crossroads I felt compelled to share with you that Bill Baker is no longer a secret agent and you deserve Bill Baker and his team of professionals on your side.



Brett Boettge


Keller Williams Realty – Madison Crossroads




Contacts 16

New Appts Booked 2

Appts HAD 0

1 Class Taught

1 Consulting

5 Handwritten Notes

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Guy Lofts – The Hardest Working REALTOR(r) in America


A True Success . . . Guy Lofts


When “Shift” happens, there are those who step up, and those that step out. Guy Lofts with over fifteen years of service to the real estate industry has always had a higher standard. In that time period he has helped upwards of 425 clients and customers achieve their housing goals in the Greater Madison Area. Since this “Shift” in the market, Guy has experienced some of his most successful years, not just in sales volume, but in finding solutions to the challenging needs of today’s buyers, sellers and investors.


What is Guy’s secret? Is it his charming English accent? Could it be that he has stumbled into his success? Was Guy hit with the “Success Wand”? NONE of the above are true, the simple fact is that Guy Lofts is the hardest working REALTOR® I have met in this industry. Guy is dedicated to improving his skill set through constant education across the country and daily scripting, he has stepped up and become involved in his industry through CRS.. serving as CRS Chapter President for South Central Wisconsin. Guy Loft’s is very quick to adapt to any “Shift” in the market, has hired a top notch business coach and makes a choice daily to be wildly successful.


The single most difficult decision to make every day is to lead generate for buyers, sellers and investors. Guy has mastered this discipline and every day from 9-12 he locks himself in a small vacant office to make calls. Guy is one of the few and elite who have this discipline. If I were selling my home I would quickly see the benefits of selling with Guy, a pro-active agent in a time where every contact counts. Guy is an agent that truly seeks out that home buyer for your property, diligently, EVERY day. Guy Loft’s has earned the right to my respect and that of every client he has worked with.


I joined Keller Williams Realty Madison Crossroads as the Team Leader & CEO over 18 months ago and I am truly honored to be in business with Guy Lofts. To see that level of dedication day in and day out is simply inspiring. That level of dedication, leadership and passion for the real estate industry is the combination that has kept Guy #1 in our office and solidly in the top 10% of our entire market year after year. Thank you Guy, you are truly an inspiration.




Brett Boettge


Keller Williams Realty Madison Crossroads




14 Contacts

1 Hire

1 1st time Appt

1 Cancelled

1 First Appt Booked

1 Re-Schedule

Team Meeting

2 Consultings

5 Handwritten Notes

TOTAL IN TRANSITION for DEC. 7 as of 12/2

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