Tag Archives: Coaching

The Model and Me!

Good Evening Friends,

I told you you wouldn’t get a post today and I lied. I’m inspired and the keystrokes are going to come to me with ease and elegance this evening. I had a quick round trip drive of 9 hours to my Regional Leadership meeting over the last 24 hours and there is nothing, nothing in this world that will bring you more clarity than a 500 miles and a radio cranked to the level of troubled adolescent. A man and his thoughts….the drive up to Minneapolis we’ll call defragmenting where I literally pieced together my thoughts and experiences of the 1st quarter of 2011 compared to the vision I have for my life. Not a single aha or breakthrough in that process, as a matter of fact from the outside looking in…this was about as entertaining as watching your computer literally defragment for four hours.

I arrived in Minneapolis caffeinated and ready for bed at 2a.m. and then I blinked and the alarm went off, up and out of bed I flew and I just felt a little lighter. I had a quick breakfast, executed my first coaching call of the day and then headed to my meeting encouraged to see Wendy Harrelson LIVE, as I am used to the e-meetings these days. I believe my DeFrag set me up for an incredible learning experience, the morning was packed with aha’s, nothing I haven’t heard before I was just hearing it in a different way today, a way that had a clear path to implementation…I started to get excited in true Brett style and expressed it by laying back in my chair, crossing my arms and not smiling. Then Wendy took the floor and WOW, most would describe her as dynamic, phenomenal, a powerhouse, talented and she is undoubtedly all of those things but there was something more about this one….she was authentic. Wendy wasn’t channeling Gary Keller, impersonating Todd Butzer or quoting rhetoric from Zig Ziglar, Wendy spoke the truth, the gritty, in your face, “I’m sorry but it’s terminal” level of truth. I was dazzled, won over and more importantly refreshed. Let me tell you why….

As a brand new 25 year old TL (4 years ago), you are pretty programmable to be a warrior of productivity. The message, “people have succeeded before you and it would be wise to learn from their lessons and do what they did.” Some of the best advice in the world if you don’t take it too literally. Unfortunately I did. Through the intense training I participated in over the next 4 years  I saw all the greats, Brian Combs, Craig Owen, Eric Copper, The Great Eugenio and Shawn Rawls. These guys are all examples of supreme leadership and all I wanted to do was to be that successful for my agents, my family and my O.P. and four years later, this is what I found….Brian Combs is the best because he is Brian Combs, I am an o.k. Brian Combs. Shawn Rawls in probably one of the most successful leaders in our organization, he is GREAT at what he does, being Shawn Rawls, I am a mediocre Shawn Rawls at best. There is a model to follow, and after four years I get the model, I understand it backwards and forwards and I appreciate it. My next evolution is to trust myself and know that to be the very best, I have to be Brett Boettge. There is no seminar, no coaching, no book that will alter my approach, I will execute the model in my unique style…everything else will just enhance me. This is one of those life altering moments and I left this meeting with such a rush I didn’t even say goodbye to half my friends that were there, sorry guys. I experienced 240 miles of clarity and alignment…..it almost felt as though super powers were given to me and along with that weights were lifted off my shoulders.

So the road ahead….you know just as well as I do that this moment of inspiration is just that a moment of inspiration. I could wake up tomorrow and instead of enjoying my DeFragged brain, it may be a blue screen or twirling hour glass. That is why this blog exists…this blog is uniquely me, this blog is for me and if this long post nearing 1000 words is too much, I didn’t write this for you…so get over it. I am on a track and this track will lead me into the next chapter of my life…



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Tightening the Screws

Has there ever been a time where you felt like you were king of the world? I have, and I can tell you that you don’t learn a thing when you feel that way. It was last week Wednesday (April 2011) that I was de-throned by a self assessment, not on how I rank compared to my competition, but how I rank based on my potential. My expectations for myself are extraordinarily high as are the expectations I have for those I choose to surround myself with. The challenge is good truly is the enemy of great and it is so easy to fall back on a performance review when compared to your peers, not the mirror. So, let’s wrap this up and put it to bed, I’m tightening the screws in my life again so that I can leap through my current achievement ceiling, and just like before (the day I founded this blog) I am going to ask for your help.

Come here daily and ensure that I have posted a “status update” about these areas of my life.

  • Fitness – I need to Get in Shape
  • Appointments – 2 Per Work Day
  • Growth – A Book Report or Nugget Daily
  • Contacts – 15 a Day
  • Strategic Alliances – 1/wk.

This starts tomorrow morning May 4th and runs through June 30th to reinforce some old habits and recreate new ones.

I have some big goals between now and November 1st 2011, it is going to take a commitment to some key tasks in order to achieve this growth. The only way for me to live the life I want to lead and ensure my family and I can achieve our “Why” is to enroll myself in this level of accountability.  There will be challenges, road blocks and a great deal of pressure and I LOVE it. What I am most looking forward to is the personal growth in this process and the ability to look at my daughters and lovely fiance and say with integrity, “I’m doing what it takes every day to achieve our dreams.”

I can’t do this without your help, so please, please, please check in often and comment without hesitation through the good and the bad.

Yours in Accountability,

Brett Boettge

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Change Into Something Less Comfortable…Success

Are the bills piling up on the table? Do you feel anxiety during that silence after your credit card is swiped…approved or declined? Are you facing foreclosure or already in the process? Is your family life turning upside down because of financial stress? For some this is a reality, I know this because I watch foreclosure filings. The question is, how much pain will you endure before you choose to do something about it? At what point does it become less painful to change than it does to look your family in the eye and tell them you have to move.

Now some of you might assume that by me saying “change” I want you to join Keller Williams Realty. That is only true if our model is a better fit for you and we share a similar vision. What I mean by change is change yourself. I’m not saying you are like this, but most fit into this category, the category of victim thinking. “I’m not successful because of my company.” Not all companies are created equal, some provide far more value than others and will net an agent a great deal more, but a company is NEVER the sole reason for an agents success. So why won’t you change even when everything around you is crashing down? Is it fear? You say things like, “I’ll just put in more hours, work harder and do more.” Well I hate to burst your bubble, but if things are crashing down around you, you are probably doing the wrong things….so what do you think doing more of the wrong things is going to get you? More hours doing the wrong things? Work harder at the wrong things? All you will get out of that is phenomenal at the wrong things. At this point I hope you are starting to think….and if you are puzzled than someone hasn’t told you what the right things are. My guess is that most of you know what you need to do, you just aren’t doing it. You are the owner, the employee and the manager of your own business, yet you are only doing what you like and feels comfortable. If you owned the real estate office where you currently practice, how many agents would you be willing to pay a salary to? Would you pay yourself a salary? Here is a better question, if you don’t start moving outside of your comfort zone and doing NOT just what you like, but all of the functions required to be successful in real estate, where will you end up? To answer that, just ask yourself what you did before real estate and if you are excited to get back to that. Did you have to do things you didn’t like in that career? Do you see my point? So how do you change?

The first step is mindset, the vision of what you want your life to look like must be powerful enough to pull you through the pain your will endure. The second step is committing to a process and having blind faith that it will deliver the results you seek. The third step is to stop giving pause to, “I don’t want to and I don’t like to” those thoughts are irrelevant at this stage of the game…..remember the bills are stacking up and you are going to have to look your family in the eye soon and have a very difficult discussion about your home being taken away. The fourth step is prepare for what you don’t know will be a road block…..remember the world will conspire against you and try to make you second guess changes in your life, be ready for whatever roadblocks come your way. Remember when you want to quit your process, you are about to see success as long as you have the right process. There are no silver bullets, magic pills or perfect companies…..if you truly do want a better life it starts with you. My success is attributed to one thing and one thing alone, the ability to push people outside of their comfort zone just enough to see the success that has escaped them their entire lives.

If you would like to see what the path looks like, it is simple, it is not very glamorous and it will be the hardest journey of your life……the reward at the end is true freedom, freedom from debt, freedom from anxiety and the financial rewards….well they simply finance your purpose in life.

Join me, July 6th from 12:00-1:30 pm as I demonstrate the most powerful, effective and painstaking journey anyone can take in real estate. This is not for the faint of heart or those wavering about their future in real estate, this is for the next generation of career REALTORS®. This is the “Perfect 10” program, a program that is the blood and guts of relationship marketing. A program that will bring you 6 figures in 12 months without cold calling a single FSBO or Expired. This is a program that is FREE, using your existing value proposition. So if you want a better life, are willing to pay the price and endure the pain of change, just respond to this email and I will show you how. I apologize to so many of you for not being forceful enough in helping you change your lives in the past. Change TODAY.

The “Perfect 10” launch course is limited to 30 people on July 6th and a follow up FREE conference call is limited to 40 on July 20th at 12:00n. RSVP is required for both. This entire program is completely free, all that is required is a signature and a completed application to the program. TheNextLevel@kw.com

Enjoy the 4th!

Brett Boettge

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Unpublished – “First Class Coach”

Good evening readers…. this is a blog that I wrote prior to knowing I was going to be a Father…. the tone is cynical, so much so I never published this. In this real estate war, I believe it’s message has become very relevant and now that I am a Father I can get away with the crack about crying babies…..(It is true, I don’t hear the cries now, or at least I hear them differently) This blog I wrote give me perspective…..I wrote this less than 8Months ago and so much has change for me I am wildly grateful. The not about the flight delay….now I know that I should be grateful. Madison to Austin 200 years ago was a trek I likely wouldn’t survive…. now its about 3 hours with beverage service and an in flight movie. So with no further ado… here is the unpublished more cynical side of Brett Boettge, the side less conscious restraint.

A First Class Coach


This is my first “In Your Face” blog at KWMadison News, it may offend some and open the eyes of others, it is however the bottom line. I will always write an “In Your Face” type blog from the confines of a stuffy airport terminal. As I type right now, I find myself at Gate 4 in the Dane County Regional Airport. The first 28 minutes were spent watching a ticket agent jockey my flight around the country because, “Sir we can’t find your pilot!”. It only seemed appropriate that a close by newborn let out a 28 minute long war cry. As counterintuitive as it seems, there must be a filter awarded at parenthood which blocks out these cries for help because clearly I was the only one that could hear this kid, and the least capable of helping her. Next I walked through security wondering how it is that not everyone has flown since the tragedies of 9/11. Seriously check your liquids or leave them at home, and YES your belt does have metal on it, come on people get it together! Do you really want to flirt with that cavity search? I walked to my gate passing women at the bar that must have been delayed since the 90’s singing the last “Ace of Base” hit or a slurred version of it only to arrive at Gate 4…. delayed for another two hours….so you my treasured readers are in for a treat.


Now you have the necessary background information to understand the mind-set I adopt to write an “In Your Face” entry in this blog. Cynical maybe, but truly deep down I love the concept of travel and not just the destination, for me the journey is just as powerful if not more so. It’s not all bad…. I have a priest sitting next to me which regardless of beliefs can’t hurt my odds of a safe landing.


Oh right this is a real estate blog.. so here it is! Get out there and do it! The end….  No really this is it! This entry is meant for those of you that know what to do, and resist it. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that so many people don’t come to trainings, claim they know how to do it and still don’t succeed. Really I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt here and agreeing that you KNOW EXACTLY what it is you NEED to be doing and HOW to do it. So please tell me, why are you not successful. All I can figure out is that consciously or otherwise you have made a choice not to succeed. Keller Williams Realty has supplied to all real estate professionals a model that works! Will you choose to use it?


During a great conversation with my coach Michael Bastian from the MAPS Institute of Keller Williams Realty International, he told me, “When someone doesn’t know how to do something, they need training. When someone knows how to do something and still neglects to do it they need coaching.” Now ask yourself some key questions…..

  • Do you know how to be successful in real estate? If so write it down now..
  • Are you successful? I don’t mean busy, I mean have you achieved the level of success you imagined at that very moment you passed your test now that we are 1, 2, 5, 10 years later?
  • Why? When did you become a “Committed NON Achiever?” A term I added to my vocabulary after a recent seminar.
  • When are you going to wake up and realize that the difference between 1 transaction per year and 100 is a simple choice?
  • Who is going to be your First Class Coach? (notice the travel reference there)


I work with agent’s everyday from Keller Williams and others companies who have made the choice to not be successful whether they know it or not. Some are truly happy selling one maybe two homes per year. I know there is that other group in there and you know who you are. The real estate professionals that tell themselves they are happy with one or two transactions per year when the envisioned an enterprise after this long in the business. Don’t lie to yourself anymore it’s not worth it. Make a choice today to correct that swing, be successful and find a first class coach to help you get there. For some it will be me, for others it will be their therapist. The point…. You need one because clearly you have seen the model of success and ignored it. You know who you are, forgive yourself for the past, move forward with a new attitude and find your success… it’s your choice and it’s simple.


Another real estate blog by Brett Boettge….. thank you for reading……..

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Timeless Business Principles…Still Timeless

A short video to get you in the mood for this entry….


Timeless Business Principles…Still Timeless


When did we stop caring about profit in the real estate industry? Did we ever start? A better question might be, “Do you look at real estate as a business?” What is the most important business principle that you can learn in an economic downturn? Lead with revenue, not with expense. It sounds like a simple enough concept doesn’t it? Don’t spend money that you don’t have! The “if you build it they will come” mentality is what we have all been programmed to think. I was a victim to that mentality when I entered the real estate business at the tail end of the sellers market, a mistake I’m still literally paying for today.


I had the honor of seeing John G. Miller speak down in Austin, Texas in May 2007. After an overly adventurous flight, I arrived at my destination just as John took the stage. Now for those of us that have never heard of John G. Miller, he is a best selling author of “Flipping the Switch” and “QBQ! The Question Behind the Question”. John is a role model for personal accountability and his message is one that has stuck with me ever since. In business, our profit margins shrink because of a lack of personal accountability. We say things like “In order to do this, I have to have that!” whether that is more marketing materials, better tools, a new suit, technology upgrades, new cars, plush offices or more staff…..they are all expenses, increased overhead and a disease that plagues your profits. So what is the alternative?


The question, behind the question becomes, “How can I grow with what I have today?” That’s right, a cold, hard look in the mirror that will stretch you a bit. This is where we look at things that truly make a difference for us, the foundation of our business. Things like…

  • Time Management – THINK “How good am I at that?” “What is Time Blocking?”
  • Sales Ability – THINK “Are my conversations purposeful, passionate and intense?”
  • Lead Generation – THINK “Am I trying to buy more business by marketing through an economic downturn or am I becoming purposeful in relationships?” “How many NEW people do you talk to every day about real estate?” “How is my follow up system?”
  • Leverage – THINK “Who can do this for me?” “How could it be done at ZERO cost to me?”
  • What is FREE – THINK “Have I mastered the phone?” “Do I maximize email?”


So how are you going to move closer to your potential in the above categories? Do you see how those categories are the key to unlocking your PROFIT? There is personal growth in asking the question behind the question, growth for the long term. The road I talk about is the road less traveled, the road without the promise of unicorns, fairies and silver bullets. Don’t spend money to make money, whoever said that is backwards and bankrupt. So can we ever add tools, technology, expense, etc…..?


Maximize your personal potential by taking the road less traveled and then set strategic targets out for improving your tools. If you are a $3,000,000 producer get to $5,000,000 this year with what you have today… once you get there award yourself with a technology upgrade. Now hold that expense accountable to take you to the next target you set. This is the “Red Light, Green Light” method of holding your expenses accountable to proportionate results. If you spend a $1.00 it should make you at least $2.00. Whether that $1.00 is spent on a person (staff), a tool(Top Producer8i), education (Camp 443), etc… it should always put $2.00 back in your pocket. You don’t add another expense until you figure out how to make that happen.


Leading with revenue is taking away excuses for mediocrity, causes us to stretch ourselves and in the end ensures our profit. Take a look at your expenses, have you held them accountable to results? Have you looked in the mirror lately and asked, “How can I improve myself?” Do you just tend to throw money at your business in hopes that there is an improvement? This all leads to the question of the day…..Regardless of what level you are producing at, how much profit do you have at the end of the year? Look in the mirror and watch your profits, they matter!


If you would like a no obligation consult on “Leading with Revenue” and “Personal Growth” simply give me a call or email me today.




Brett Boettge

Team Leader | CEO

Keller Williams Realty – Madison Crossroads


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The REALTOR(r) Holiday Poem (Twas the Night Before Christmas)

The REALTOR® Holiday


Twas the end of October and all through city

Not a REALTOR in sight, it is such a pity.

The Supra’s were stashed in the glove box with care

In hopes that after the superbowl they would get their fair share.


Their listings are sitting, basically dead

While visions of ’04 and ’05 danced in their heads.

All the REALTOR’S flew South or are staying in bed,

They just temporarily resigned despite what I said.


When out in our market there arose such a clatter,

A few sprang from their beds to see what was the matter.

Away to the window they flew like a flash,

Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.


The bills piled up just like new fallen snow,

Gave heat to the family as they burned them below.

When what to their wondering eyes did appear,

But the Sheriff for your home because you didn’t come here!


Because they didn’t lead generate all winter long,

Their families now suffer and sing a sad song.

More rapid than eagles they lost all their things,

The creditors didn’t even stop at their wedding rings.


“No cash, no car, to the bar we are fixin’
No boat, no vacation, our debt has risen!

To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!

The IRS keeps taking until they have it all!


A glimmer of hope had just filled my bucket,

I realized very soon that it wasn’t the market!

So a bus I did take to the office indeed,

With my CAMP 443 materials to read!


And then, in a twinkling I heard in the lobby,

The sound of a cash buyer whose name was Robby.

As I took him through buyer steps one through three,

I learned he wanted more than one property.


I dug out my supra, and charged it to full,

Knowing quite well it would die before dawn.

Then I hopped in his car, because mine was gone,

And built rapport quickly, trying not to be dull.

We found his dream home in just under an hour,

If we actually close, I’ll be able to turn on my power!

his lender went bankrupt, title closed shop,

Thank god for my team or the ball would have been dropped!


I closed six transactions over “The REALTOR® Holiday”,

I wouldn’t have if I didn’t come in the office that cold winter day!

Brett told me this was the key to success,

But he is so young, how could he know best?


My family is warm and we are back on track,

I will raise the bar in ’09 and put a trophy on the rack.

My story is almost done at this juncture here,

One final word to help this next year!


If you want to excel and reach all your goals,

Get focused and clear on your lead generating role!

Once you do this you will have your “big why”

Stop sitting there waiting for your piece of the pie!


Happy Holidays from Brett Boettge and the Keller Williams Realty Crossroads Team!!


I’d like to thank the following for making 2008 a fantastic year despite the market!


Laura Hartman – Director of Agent Services

Andy Kahn – Market Center Administrator

Darren Kittleson – Operating Principle & Broker

Bill Baker – Agent Leadership Counsel – Finance Chair

Judie Czys – Agent Leadership Counsel – Culture Chair

Mindy Allen – Agent Leadership Counsel – Growth Chair


All of our Keller Williams Realty Madison Crossroads agents, we are a great company because of you!


The REALTOR® Holiday October 31st – Superbowl EVERY year!

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Snow Day of Inspiration

“Snow day” (read entire article)


I write today during the gap that was my “Shift Book Club”, you see, we were just pounded with Thundersnow which after some research seems to only happen in .07% of all snow occurrences. Meaning an overwhelming amount of the white fluffy precipitation has buried the Madison, WI area in the last 18 hours. One of our closing officers and I are the only individuals that have made it into the office, in hindsight… cocoa at home in front of the fire is a much better option.


Yesterday was our quarterly Leadership Summit for the top 20% of KW agents and their guests. These events are always valuable and are meant to create synergy and high performance for the best of our best. They are also a way for Darren Kittleson our Operating Principal and Designated Broker to give back to the agents that do so much for our company. We obviously have had four of these events in 2008, so what made this leadership summit unique.. something that has compelled me to write…..keep reading.


This leadership summit was about coaching, and thinking and for me personally it was about raising the bar. We have heard Zig Ziglar say, “Get rid of that stinkin’ thinkin’ and give yourself a checkup from the neck up”. I know I have heard that thousands of times in my iPod either flying or jogging it has been programmed in my head. Did I really know what it meant? Sure… but at what level? I have written about this many times… you hear it, you understand it, but do you let simple concepts even complex ones impact our life? The resounding answer is YES, however Susan Scott would tell you the “ground truth” is no, plain and simple. Let’s take positive thinking, how long have I been a student of that? Five years! How long ago did I truly understand what it meant on a deep enough level to impact my life…yesterday! One single defining moment, not for a person, an office or a firm, but for an industry.


Darren Kittleson entered into Frame of Mind coaching, a ten week coaching and guided journaling program based on assessing your current thinking and trading up to more positive thought. This has obviously had an overwhelming impact on Darren’s life as there were numerous comments from guests regarding his improved mood, approachability and if you look at him you can tell he is having fun in life. Darren’s coach was live with us yesterday via conference call and speaker phone and actually had Darren share some of his journal with the group and do a live “mini-coaching” session in front of us…. As Darren started to share his journal…no, that makes it sound far less powerful than this experience truly was for myself and forty others in the room. Darren bared his soul, essentially becoming naked (not literally) in front of a room of his business partners, friends and even strangers. Darren shared one of what has to be his most personal stories with us that day, and truly lead by example. Not only was this a story, every meticulous detail that Darren recalled of this personal experience was paired with his corresponding emotion. The mood in the room was different in so many ways from uncomfortable to inspiring, for me it was a bit of discomfort, but overwhelming envy… I wondered why I felt that way… I didn’t feel discomfort because of the content of the story, but the concept… baring your soul in front of so many. Darren’s coach addressed this later, letting me know that exactly what I was feeling was solely because of how I thought. Envious, for many reasons, first I could not describe a single moment in my life with that much emotion, second, I have never had a moment in my life that was that genuine, not even with myself and third, I could not think of a moment in my life that defined me, I seem to flow from circumstance to circumstance and adapt, never have I LET a single moment impact me in such a way.


So what had Darren accomplished on Thursday, December 19th 2008…. He re-defined leadership. Opening up the deepest corners of his life and in turn has enriched the lives of those around him. Darren lead by example, seeing a needed change for himself and an industry… putting himself out there while creating that “first track” across the frozen lake for those to follow. This level of openness in a very powerful and successful man has raised the bar so high… I’m not sure I’ll ever reach it… and I will try. Moments like those on Thursday, December 19th were so many things, inspiring, honest, genuine, powerful, heartwarming….  more so than any….those moments are rare and I will never forget that day.


Darren thank you so much for an extraordinary day, a wonderful business relationship and the opportunity to build a legacy. I’m honored to be in business with you.


I’ll leave you with a closing thought….. not even knowing what Darren’s story was, how genuine is your life? What does your “About Me” page really tell me “About You”. Is it some glazed over, politically correct, very calculated elevator speech OR does it tell me who you are. Think about that for a moment…. Are you a clever wordsmith or the genuine article? I asked myself the same questions and I find myself conflicted…. What I can tell you is by sharing those things held close and not an embarrassing secret, but something personal that has affected you in a profound way, you cultivate relationships to the next level while creating an unbreakable bond.


Thanks for reading…..


Weeks #’s

55 Contacts

5 – 2 First time 3 2nd

Depending on how you count…. 3-6 Cancels

Yes to KW – 1

In Transition – 2

No to KW – 0

Still Need Work – 2

Joined  – 1 Welcome aboard Diana Hause!

B2B Appts – 1



Brett Boettge

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Coaching, Practice and Pride

Good evening loyal readers, I come to you tonight after flirting all day with an Aha. This evening I stopped flirting and committed….I looked in the mirror and said, “I am having an Aha.” the Earth shook and sure enough my life was forever changed in such a profound way I will struggle to put this in words.


Coaching , Pride and Practice what do they have in common….well they are all key ingredients in your success at the highest level. First let me address pride, we all need it as it is associated with ego, confidence, self image which are large pieces of your overall success. What else is associated with pride? Join me out on this limb as I say that pride is one of the top reasons for self sabotage. Hold that thought and follow me to coaching and practice.


Look around the wild world of sports, what do you see? A place for TOP PERFORMERS and ONLY TOP PERFORMERS! Olympians work for sometimes just a few seconds every four years…..sign me up! Football players work three hours a week sixteen weeks per year, maybe more for a strong performance. One of our Milwaukee Brewers was just picked up for $140,000,000 who stands virtually still while playing catch for a few hours a week. Tiger Woods is paid millions to do what most of us dream about having time for. I trust you know that I am being facetious and in fact these are the highest skilled performers in their craft. We may only see the fruits of their labor on Sunday or on the NBC Triplecast every four years… let’s set the fruit aside for a moment and examine the labor. What do all of these top performers have in common? Do you think they practice? Do you think they have a coach?


Football players tirelessly lift weights, execute one drill after the next, constantly study plays and examine their competitors day in and day out. They have a world class coach whose role is to provide support when they are tired, direction when they are lost and keep them focused on the results, the “Big W” (win). Now break that down, each has a single role on this team and they spend thousands of hours practicing that single piece. Before that player springs out onto the field, they know exactly what it feels like every step, every brutalizing hit and every route run. Why, because they have rehearsed it every day of their lives? Is my point crystal for you yet? Is practice and coaching a priority in the real estate industry? How about your business?


With all of this skill, why would you need a coach? We get off track don’t we? It is only a matter of time before the human element kicks in, the element of curiosity. We add it to our business or try to cut corners instead of sticking to what?? You guessed it, THE BASICS. When a team is failing, what does the coach do to bring them back into success? They take them back to basics, instilling the habits that create wild success.


Let’s just say we know it all…does your performance align? How often do you practice? Per day? Per week? What are you practicing for? What is your Olympics? A listing presentation, pricing presentation, negotiation, lead generation, what is your big show? Do you see a gap in practice and coaching in the real estate industry? Do you believe if you continue on the path you are currently on you will be an Olympian of real estate? If not why are you doing this? Is your listing presentation so amazing that millions would fight the bitter cold temperatures and tailgate hours before actually seeing it live on Sunday afternoon? How about your open houses? How can you make that a reality?


I said I would get back to pride and self sabotage, here it is. Do you believe that Brett Favre, Tiger Woods and Michael Phelps think of their coaches as a nuisance? Is the pride of “I know it all” keeping you from your peak performance? Do you see how practice and coaching are both integral parts of your business plan? So what action are you going to take in 2009. You have three very well trained coaches at your disposal in 2009, Jessica Fox, Chariti Gent and Brett Boettge… Think about the ground truth of your current reality and ask yourself if you deserve more, we’ll help get you there!




Brett Boettge

KWTL – Madison Crossroads


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Midnight Magic Plastic

Midnight Magic Plastic


Have you ever fallen victim to the “Midnight Magic Plastic”? You know the “I bought my mansion for $1.00 and you can too! For 2 easy payments of $49.95 + S & H… you will receive 2 DVD’s that reveal once and for all the strategies that so many used to become millionaires. BUT WAIT there is more, if you order in the next 19 minutes and 17 seconds we will throw in 6 audio CD’s on how to master the STOCK MARKET.”


I recently moved and through the process I uncovered a dusty box FILLED with the “Midnight Magic Plastic”. I had everything from internet auction training to nationwide classified ad directories. Of course I was awake at midnight probably thinking about how unhappy I was with my current reality. Then some flashy, fast talker with a great car and of course a tropical backdrop entered my life. Without hesitation I would pull out my credit card and order away. The anticipation of my new found wealth was overwhelming in the 5-7 days following my purchase. I would arrive home from the grind of a 9-5 and see that box resting on the door and my heart would start pumping just a bit faster, “This is it!” I would think to myself. What happened next was always utter disappointment.. looking back I wondered what I had expected to receive. That emotional high of seeing the box to the horrible low of discovering it’s contents…you would think that I expected the box to be filled with gold bars or at least non-sequential bills banded in $10,000 stacks.


That ever elusive lottery winner, the “Prize Patrol”, easy street… that is what I was after, that is what I thought I deserved. What was I willing to do to earn it? That is where things take a turn. I opened those boxes loaded my magic plastic and when I discovered it would take hard work, commitment and faith in myself and the product I was mortified. I despised the “Midnight Magic Plastic” and would never be “swindled” again.


Here we are after a 6 year hiatus from the “Midnight Magic Plastic”, much more confident, more educated and business savvy, I dusted off the box. Every single one of those life changing ideas were valid businesses with the potential to be very profitable…if you are willing to commit and do what it takes to make them successful. Now sure there are crooks out there and we should investigate every opportunity that intrigues us..with caution. What I would look for is the GREAT TRAINING and TOP NOTCH COACHING to support the presented opportunity.


What a long winded way to get to my point. There is no “Silver Bullet” to success, wealth and happiness. In any endeavor, we get out what we put in, whether it is family, business, recreation… anything. That disclaimer “Unique experience, Results Vary and No Guarantee of Success” is published not because the opportunity is a scam, but because they know most won’t do what it takes….whatever it takes! Are you willing to do what it takes to achieve your goals in 2009? Whatever it takes? Tax deeds, No Money Down, eBay Selling, Internet Treasures, Inventor Assistance, even the ShamWOW™ are all opportunities that take as much dedication as real estate sales or your 9-5 if you want success. Get into action and commit to something with all your heart and mind! I wish you great success in 2009 whatever your venture is.



Brett Boettge

KWTL – Madison Crossroads




12 Contacts

2 Appointments Booked

1 Appointment Had

5 Handwritten Notes

(2 Hours Bell Ringing) JCPenney East Towne Madison, WI


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