Stop Thinking, Start Processing!

Stop thinking, start processing. I often wonder if the giant leap forward in technology will come when machines can think for themselves. Has anyone considered that at that very moment, the efficiency of machines will completely deteriorate? Instead of completing tasks in a row without hesitation, the pc wonders…Where did I come from? Why am I here? Even worse, what if they didn’t feel like turning on because Mercury was in retrograde?

I was thinking of my associates and I tonight, and I wanted to take out the endless thinking that comes with lead generation. What if it was as easy as executing timed tasks?


Who Gets It?

How Do They Get It?

What is the URGENCY/PAIN of NON-Action?

How Will You Relieve The Pain?

This WILL BE DELIVERED by 8/5/2013 12:30pm in x format.

On A Scale of 1-10 with 10 being right on, how in line with my business plan was this method?

What did I learn?

The question is, if you had one of these created for EVERYTHING in lead generation. Wouldn’t you just have to grab a few sheets every morning, and execute?

It’s simple systems like this that push me forward, unlock the next level and help me. We need to stop marinating in thought and indecision and START measuring our days by OUTPUT and SHIPPING. One of the hardest things about owning a business balancing perfection and action…I hope this tool helps you find that balance.

by Brett Boettge

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