Stimulus to Response!

Good Day-

Have you ever been in a situation where someone says something and your jaw hits the floor. What they said was so utterly appalling that it makes you uncomfortable and changes your opinion of who they are at their core. It’s that gap between an external stimulus and your response to it…how long is it? What do you accomplish during that gap? It is this gap that the battle of tact is won or lost. What impact does this have on your business? For those that think they have a short fuse and no filter, I get that and yet it’s no excuse. I have a short fuse and it takes SO much energy to effectively manage or extend the stimulus to response and yet I do it because the outcome, the trust, the respect and the ability to gain agreement is so absolutely powerful it’s worth the energy. Think about this…let me know your thoughts.

On the goal front, appointments were strong at 2 and we’ll have 1 tomorrow and four Friday. Contacts 18 meaning I still need an extra five in the next couple days, likely Friday since tomorrow is RED Day.

Thanks for tuning in!


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