Tightening the Screws

Has there ever been a time where you felt like you were king of the world? I have, and I can tell you that you don’t learn a thing when you feel that way. It was last week Wednesday (April 2011) that I was de-throned by a self assessment, not on how I rank compared to my competition, but how I rank based on my potential. My expectations for myself are extraordinarily high as are the expectations I have for those I choose to surround myself with. The challenge is good truly is the enemy of great and it is so easy to fall back on a performance review when compared to your peers, not the mirror. So, let’s wrap this up and put it to bed, I’m tightening the screws in my life again so that I can leap through my current achievement ceiling, and just like before (the day I founded this blog) I am going to ask for your help.

Come here daily and ensure that I have posted a “status update” about these areas of my life.

  • Fitness – I need to Get in Shape
  • Appointments – 2 Per Work Day
  • Growth – A Book Report or Nugget Daily
  • Contacts – 15 a Day
  • Strategic Alliances – 1/wk.

This starts tomorrow morning May 4th and runs through June 30th to reinforce some old habits and recreate new ones.

I have some big goals between now and November 1st 2011, it is going to take a commitment to some key tasks in order to achieve this growth. The only way for me to live the life I want to lead and ensure my family and I can achieve our “Why” is to enroll myself in this level of accountability.  There will be challenges, road blocks and a great deal of pressure and I LOVE it. What I am most looking forward to is the personal growth in this process and the ability to look at my daughters and lovely fiance and say with integrity, “I’m doing what it takes every day to achieve our dreams.”

I can’t do this without your help, so please, please, please check in often and comment without hesitation through the good and the bad.

Yours in Accountability,

Brett Boettge

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One thought on “Tightening the Screws

  1. Pamelyn Meller says:

    I see that I has been a year since your last posting, so you have now committed to getting this done and making it a priority. Today is Day 1 of your journey. Good luck.

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