Monthly Archives: May 2010

Google – The Smartest Person in the World

Evening – I write tonight with a short and obvious point. Google is smarter than anyone and armed with nothing less than the latest smart smart do I really need to be? How do I install this car seat….Google will tell me and typically do so in less than .3 seconds. I have an error on my computer! Simple, just copy and paste the error message in a Google search and your solution appears before your eyes truly faster than you can blink. So in a world where the answer to any question man could come up with is at your finger tips, why are there still so many questions?

Stephan Swanepoel provided my answer just two weeks ago in a story involving himself, his Father and his Son. Stephan’s point was that each generation has a different first thought on how to solve a problem. The oldest generation would be trial and error, next it would be ask a peer, then look for the reference book, followed by the Desktop PC, then the laptop, now the smart phone. It made sense to me for the first time that people are just trained though their lives to find an answer in a specific way even if they are aware of a more efficient way.

To close this point, I am going to leave you with this thought….before you ask the question, ASK GOOGLE and you will be amazed how quickly and accurately your problems are solved. Google truly is the smartest entity on the planet, has the longest memory, is not biased and is willing to talk…so again, ask Google first.

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