Daily Archives: January 16, 2009

Hope is NOT a Solution at Keller Williams Realty

Hope is NOT a Solution


Here I am in Crown Point, Indiana at a Keller Williams Realty event learning more from some of the most talented individuals in the real estate industry. It is 1:07am as I write this and I cannot sleep, why do you think that is? I am feeding off some of the most positive, energetic and passionate people I have ever met anywhere. The mood can only be described as electric and the word of the day is “jazzed”! Let me be clear that it is not because of the 1.4% increase in home sales, shrinking absorption rates or any other signs of a recovering market. In fact, the market wasn’t even mentioned in my first two days here at the Crown Point Market Center. There is a focus on the greatest opportunity in real estate since the great depression and certainly the greatest opportunity to gain market share most will see in their lifetimes. Where do you see “jazzed” in the real estate industry today? Let me share with you specifically why we are “jazzed”.


Hope is NOT a solution is it? Are you hoping for the market to come back? Can you afford to wait until it does? You see, you have an opportunity until August 1st 2009, this is a WAR in the real estate industry. The market share you lose in this “Shift” you will never get back, the market share you gain in this “Shift” you will never lose. So are you 100% committed to taking your unfair share of the market? Do you owe it to your family, even more so, do you owe it to yourself to do whatever it takes in 2009 to exploit the weakness of complacency in your competition? If I ask you “As your competition, what would I have to do to outperform you?” for some of you the answer may be “Get out of bed!”.


So why am I fired up? We have the tools, systems and models for you success at the highest level when faced with challenges of the shift. Tired of training administrative staff? Plug your administrator into our Fast Track Admin coaching! Looking to increase your sales? It is a numbers game and there is a formula for any goal. How many people are in your database? When was the last time you sat down with them in your office and showed them, not TOLD them what you do? Do you have a referral contract with your allied resources? Better yet, let’s figure out why you allowed yourself or your team to fall short of your goals? Mindset? No business plan? Was it the market? Frankly, the market has nothing to do with it, it is what you do! If by the 20th of every month you have fallen short of buyer/seller appointments what is your “plan b” for “all hands on deck” to get back on track?


I don’t want to see you make the sacrifices you made in 2007 and 2008 again in 2009. You deserve better! What did you give up, postpone or ignore last year? Was it the vacation? I challenge you to book yours for 2009 and we’ll figure out your business plan to pay for it together. If you truly are 100% committed and willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals you shouldn’t have a problem with that. Does this sound like an over promise staged perfectly for an under deliver? I can assure you it is not. We are not offering silver bullets, we offer a plan to reach your goals and the support to ensure results down to the number of daily contacts, how to effectively touch them 33 times per year, how to move your listings in 30 days and a multitude of consulting options. Take a look, we are world class from head to toe and completely transparent! Keller Williams Realty is debt free, open book and your listings are your listings meaning that there are no “golden handcuffs” those that are with us choose to be and 80,000 have made that choice one at a  time.


So what would hold you back from investigating this opportunity? A myth published (click here to bust the myth) by a broker looking to keep your commission? If you are high energy, driven talent looking to grow and develop your business to at least a 2.6 million dollar volume then you are probably, truly a 6+million dollar producer and just don’t know it yet. Don’t let others production, others rumors or any outside influence keep you from your date with destiny. Trust I am just as, if not more passionate about your success and your business! Don’t take my word for it, ask one of my top agents! Let’s start this journey today. Its time to take back control of your life isn’t it?


I have time blocked an additional 4 hours per week to help you explore our opportunity now through March 1st. With the rising demand for a solution to the problems our industry faces today, I have to limit my confidential consultations to those agents currently making or are 100% committed to making at the very least $75,000 in 2009. Think without limits, eliminate excuses and all that remains are results.






Brett Boettge

Team Leader | CEO

Keller Williams Realty Madison Crossroads

CELL *Confidential 608.712.4328

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