Daily Archives: January 12, 2009

A few of my favorite things…

Good Morning-

Today I am grateful for…. Fantastic friends, beautiful scenery, being warm, my amazing girlfriend, a healthy Brooklynne, Quick breakfasts, not getting a cold yet this winter, having a job, having a few dollars in the bank account, growing up in a small town, light snowfall, Facebook, My Scarf, my youth, my Mississippi, having the best KW staff in the world, a vivid imagination, a significant support systems of friends, family and co-workers, a fun filled Monday schedule.

What are you grateful for?

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Welcome Back to Unlocking Brett

Good evening all-

I just want all of you to know after a short break between my accountability blog and the world I will be starting to post again tomorrow morning at 6:30am with my very first gratitude entry. I’ve evaluated all aspects as the blog and believe I can make this even more of a dynamic real estate focused blog in 2009. My goals for the blog this year are to add a certain level of accountability to my days, be your number one resource for career improvement, gain clarity through writing and of course keep the blog entertaining for you, it’s readers.

Thank you for all of your support in since August 2008 with just under 100 comments, over 3,000 views and roughly 108 blog posts over that period I would call that a fantastic launch. Thanks again for your support.


Brett Boettge
