Monthly Archives: November 2008

The Real Estate Bailout

The Real Estate Bailout


It seems that everyone is looking for a ‘Bailout’ in today’s economy… What about the REALTORS®? After all we are the industry that SAW the effects of a looming recession first aren’t we? I emphasize ‘saw’ above because it is so true that, “Seeds of failure are planted in the times of success”. In the high times of the last decade, poor business practices were simply masked. Recent economic turmoil has unmasked the complacency of every firm, every CEO and every industry across the board. Why am I gleaming with excitement, because the converse of the above quote is “Seeds of SUCCESS are planted in the times of failure.” That’s right, it’s time to restructure! A bailout for any industry is horrible unless the government can make a profit, it truly is the “teach a man to fish” theory hard at work. Chapter 11 is our solution, it is a law that allows a company to “Restructure” and repair the damage of the last decade’s poor business practices.


Now it’s time to evaluate your real estate business and see whether or not you are in need of an extreme business restructure, because honestly there is no bailout coming for you. The first test is based on how your business feels. Do you think you should be doing more? When asked “How is business?” do you say “Could be better!” With so much opportunity out there are you getting your unfair share? It may be time to look at your business practices to improve your personal profit. The second test is a reality check even if you feel your business is terrific. Review your total units in 2005 and your 2008 total units. Are you down or up? If you are up congratulations! If not, look at the percentage your business has decreased, that is how much of you business is MARKET BASED. For example if business is down 40% from 2005, you business is 60% SKILL BASED and 40% MARKET BASED. The goal is to create 100% skill based business and that is defined by growing market share every year and in a buyers market at least maintaining the same level. So looking at YOUR business… do you need a corporate restructure? How much of your business is skill based?


You are responsible for you business and its time to ACT YOUR WAGE! Do you run your real estate career like a business? How much of your week do you spend sharpening your skills? If you have the drive and desire to move from the fear based complacency to a pro-active accountability mindset, I’d love to help you restructure. Your drive and desire leads to commitment and when I see that, you are deserving of your unfair share of this market. So ask yourself “How good am I at that?” for the following items.


  • Goal Planning – Do I have a written CLEAR and Measurable goal? Do I know exactly what to do to achieve those goals?
  • Lead Generation – Do I have a set time EVERY day to generate leads? Do I know how to create a database? Do I know how to identify my lead sources? Does that work with my personality?
  • Technology – Do I have a firm grasp of tomorrow’s technology? Blogging, Search Engine Optimization, Streaming Video, Video Newsletters, Micro Sites?
  • Time Blocking – Is your business “Fly by the seat of your pants” or “Fly – by Wire”? Does your business keep regular hours?
  • A “Big Why” and Life Balance – Do you know why you are doing this? Do you wonder why you fall short of your goals? Are you burnt out? Is your free time REALLY your free time? What would make your 2009 magnificent?
  • Customer Service – Are you a “Supra Key” or a Real Estate Professional? What are you doing to stand out today?
  • Revenue v.s. Support – Do you spend more time in $ productive activities or support activities and do you know the difference between the two?
  • Profit & Value – Do you feel you deserve a higher split? Do you have multiple streams of income in your real estate sales business? Are you getting the appropriate value out of your commission split? Your fee investments?


Thanks for sticking around to read this entire post. My dedication is to developing skill based REALTORS® and helping sales people realize that there are so many parallels between success in their career and running any small business. If you have a dedication to lifelong learning and want to take a pro-active first step, simply give me a call or reply to this email. It’s quick, easy, and confidential and could honestly be your solution to this challenging economy.



Brett Boettge

Team Leader | CEO

Keller Williams Realty – Madison Crossroads

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Real Estate a Brave New World

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Spencer Johnson Partners

The above video may be a simple cartoon, however it packs a very powerful and timely message for REALTORS (r) across the country. Watch the video and share your comments, your plan to adapt and how you overcome the FEAR in change. You could watch it on Saturday morning while the kids watch their cartoons.

Remember all comments will be entered into a drawing for a STARBUCKS Gift Card for the month of NOVEMBER.

Thanks to Perry Hurth for sending me this video on a beautiful Friday morning.

Brett Boettge

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Your Team of Professionals… Crucial in a Buyers Market

Teamwork – Together we all achieve more!


Imagine your car for a second… four wheels all moving at the same speed towards your destination. A real estate transaction is the same way isn’t it? We need all components moving at the same speed to reach our destination and you, the agent, are behind the wheel. What would happen if on the way to dinner tonight, one of your wheels stopped turning? It would slow you down wouldn’t it? Would you just leave that wheel until of fell off or would you replace it? You are the driver, you control speed, direction, when you turn, when you stop and how efficiently you arrive at your destination. You are also responsible for the components of your car, consider them your team of professionals in a real estate transaction.


Now more than ever our clients who are more often than not our friends and family members need us to be educated enough to know what is best for them and strong enough to ensure they make that choice. This doesn’t mean just knowing market statistics, doing CMA’s and consulting on price, this is directing them to your team of professionals regardless of their “friend in the business” or the “family lender”. Think back to the analogy of the car….the lender is the front right wheel. Are you going to let you client put any old wheel on your car? Don’t you run the risk of veering off the road if they make the wrong choice? You are the driver, you and only you should choose that tire to ensure you move at your speed towards your destination…. the closing table. Jeff Statz at Mortgage Professionals is pardon the analogy… a high performance wheel, let me tell you why.


One of our KW Crossroads associates had a buyer that she brought into the office to meet with Jeff Statz lender extraordinaire for Pre-Approval. First notice this agent practices CITO or “Come Into the Office” which is the first step to a proper buyer consult and obtaining a representation agreement. Not only is Jeff a numbers cruncher, he is a phenomenal consultant who will help keep your buyer moving forward. This qualified, yet not highly motivated buyer was transformed into an “A” buyer after consult. A short ten days later this buyer is writing an offer. Do you see how important it is to have every wheel moving at the same speed and always moving towards your destination? By  the way this buyer was already working with another lender….our agent said they needed a second opinion! GREAT JOB!


Another on of our KW Crossroads associates insisted on a “CITO” appointment with a buyer. Now this buyer was already Pre-Approved with a family friend and their long time lender. Jeff Statz from Mortgage professionals consulted with this buyer and an offer was written that same day. Not only that, Jeff was educated and strong enough to give this buyer advice, honest advice that this buyers lender either did not, or could not. The end result is that Jeff Statz saved this buyer $127,325 through very innovative and responsible lending practices. What would $127,325 do for your buyers? Can you imagine how thankful this buyer is to our agent for insisting on coming into the office for a second opinion?


This is the reality for today’s real estate professionals. Although we don’t need to know all the answers we must know that those on our team are delivering the highest level of value. In both examples above our 10+ service was complemented by our high performance team of professionals. Don’t leave your livelihood, your friends and families greatest asset and YOUR reputation to chance. The goal is to deliver the highest value and always move our buyers and sellers forward. To find out how Jeff Statz can help your buyers AND sellers move forward as quick as possible just give him a call… Do you believe your clients will thank you when they save thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars on their next transaction? You can reach Jeff Statz at or by phone at 608.206.0643 for the finest consulting in the lending industry.


Monday – Personal Day

Tuesday – (Still no Computer Files)

8 Contacts

3 Appointments Booked

0 Appts Had

0 Hires

Amazing Thanksgiving Dinner with my KW Family!

$500 raised for MDA


Brett Boettge

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What I am Thankful for….

Good Day-

The calls, emails and threats are pouring in since I have been off blog for 2 days. I apologize for not letting you know that I was in Chicago, IL on business until just this morning. What is interesting is that on that trip my computer crashed and burned and I lost 3 years worth of email that was saved in Outlook. What am I thankful for? ALL of my data was backed up to the exact moment of the crash which was PURE luck.

What else is interesting is that I was just thinking that I should re-evaluate my calendar/time blocks etc.. again. Fortunately my life has been wiped out, time blocks, calendar, appointments etc.. there is definitely an opportunity in this tragedy.

I can’t reinstall my software because my CD-ROM drive is fried as well. I’ll get that fixed today and we will be right back on track.

Stay tuned,

Brett Boettge

The REALTOR® Holiday

The REALTOR® Holiday


This is from the heart and simply stated.. no analogies or You Tube with tonight’s blog. I’m writing you all today because I’m concerned for everyone’s business through the Fall and Winter. At my former firm, we called the period of Halloween through the Superbowl (in February) “The REALTOR(r) Holiday”. The perception is that those that are serious enough to buy or sell in the Winter months will simply call you. I agree that those that are serious enough are going to call someone…. but are you sure it is you? Is your sphere of influence safe? I don’t care how much of a friend you are, I’m more concerned about results. So take a moment and write down 20 ways you as a REALTOR can step it up with your sphere of influence through the Winter months. Now if you run out of ideas, ask yourself, “If I were my competitor, how would I outperform myself?” Focus on implementing 5 items from that list each month November-February and you will create phenomenal habits in time for the Spring market.


Now for the next myth about the REALTOR(r) holiday. Is it really a bad time to be on the market as a seller? It depends. In the winter months your competition is far less than the Spring months, so if you have a seller willing to sell in the bottom 1/3 of price and top 1/3 of condition compared to the homes competition this may be a great time to sell. When a seller says, “Let’s take it off the market until the Spring market.” what do you say? Do you just say “OK”? Why are they paying you if they are telling you how to do your job? So the question becomes who is more qualified to make that informed decision, you or the seller? Think carefully because for some of you the answer may be the seller. Which brings me to my final point…EDUCATION.


One thing on that list of 20 will probably be education. Think of education as your daily dose of medicine to combat the REALTOR(r) holiday. Whoever is your coach, mentor or trainer ask them for a bit more time than you are used to, ask them to hold you to a higher level of accountability and ask them to be honest with you about your business. If you truly are looking to come out of this “Shift” on top you will have to step up because that 72 hour licensing requirement is for license holders, they tell you nothing about being successful business owners. Are you a license holder or a business owner?


Look at the path you are currently on…honestly are you thrilled with what is at the end of that path 90 days or 5 years from now? Now think without limits…. where do you truly want to be in 5 years? Why? If you don’t change anything in your business will you see that dream become reality? Who is currently helping you get there? Are they helping you reach your goals or theirs? Ask your coach to help you create a clear action plan that works for your goals, then ask yourself if you are willing to do the work, if not ask yourself why.


I have had the opportunity to consult agents from many companies on an endless list of topics. Currently I’m showing agents how to sell listings in 14 days and take control of their businesses through planning and discipline. I can only do this for agents who have discovered what they want and why they want it. I will gladly help you today, whether it is a simple conversation over the phone, a coffee or just a quick email with a question. Understand that I am here as a resource to anyone looking to combat the REALTOR(r) holiday. Let’s step it up and raise the bar this holiday season!



Brett Boettge



P.S. Look for my “Twas the Night Before Christmas” parody for “The REALTOR(r) Holiday coming soon…..



Contacts Made: 14

New Apts Set: 3

New Apts Had:

2nd Apts. Had: 1

(transition apts) 0

Yes to KW: 0

In Transition: 0

Joined: 0

No: 0

Undecided: 1



Needs Delivery?: Finding Buyers – Moving Listings

Handwritten Notes: 4


Personal Education: Revisit – Power of Flexible Pricing Power Point


Aha’s/Blurb: Success truly is a compilation of daily choices/actions.

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Unlocking “The Secret”

The Secret hard at work!

The Secret hard at work!

My oldest Sister Donna called me today after reading my post about gratitude and had some positive comments to share. Donna brought up “The Secret” then asked if I had seen it and what my thoughts were on the DVD. Have I seen it? I live it, I love it and whether you believe that having a positive attitude and thinking without limits teamed with inspired action will bring you anything you ask for, or if you feel that “The Secret” is just  some new age hocus pocus, I really don’t care…..this is my story.

The picture I posted in this blog entry… why is it significant? It looks very similar to my blog header doesn’t it? Well the picture in this blog entry was taken from the balcony off of my master bedroom of my lake home. Sounds bragadocious… it isn’t, what it is, is “The Secret” hard at work and I only share this to illustrate my point. Where do I look every day, my blog, why did I choose that picture for my blog header… because I wanted that view. How long have I dreamed of living on Lake Monona? 3 Years! How long after I started this blog with that picture did my dream become a reality? EXACTLY 9 WEEKS!

Coincidence…I think not! I had my staff at KW Crossroads embark on a one day retreat, we spent the morning doing strategic planning, the afternoon at the spa, and the late afternoon creating dream boards. A dream board is a collection of your goals and dreams put on paper for you to constantly see. We did this based off of “life wheels” where we rate different areas of our life. The place I scored the worst was family and personal life. On by dream board I made family a focus….. what happened? I have the most wonderful companion anyone could ask for and a beautiful baby girl (Brooklynne) on the way.

The Secret has spoiled me!

The Secret has spoiled me!

Is this just a series of fortunate events or the power of the secret working for me. Another goal of mine was to become a published author…I’m moving towards that goal daily. How do I know that? From comments I receive from readers like you, we have a small following today, but in just 90 days over 2000 people have viewed this blog.

So the question is…do you believe in “The Secret”. Is it really a secret? Is asking the universe the same as prayer? One piece of the secret that people often miss is that simply asking the universe or praying alone won’t cut it, it takes inspired action. If we sit on the couch asking as hard as we can and don’t create opportunity for ourselves it doesn’t work. To have this lake home it took action in an inspired moment and a lot of creativity. To create a family took a whole other kind of inspired action.. no pun intended. So what if it does work… the dream board… asking the universe for what you desire…. and inspired action. Wouldn’t it be worth it to try? If it doesn’t work, what have you lost? A piece of posterboard and a few moments of thought that would have most likely been filled with garbage manufactured by the media conglomerate.

So if you want to give it a try… here are the steps.

  • Get a piece of poster board from your favorite “Big Box” store.
  • Divide the poster board into 4 quadrants, Career – Professional – Personal Financial – Health, Spiritual, Philanthropic
  • Ask yourself… If you were talking to someone in 2013 and you had to tell them the last 5 years were phenomenal… what would have had to happen in each quadrant between 2008 and 2013 for you to be able to say IT WAS ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL!
  • Write your answers in the quadrants and then cut out visuals for those dreams from magazines and glue them on the poster board.
  • Put the poster somewhere you can see it, your office, your bathroom, your closet etc…. take a picture and print off a smaller version to keep in your wallet.
  • (Optional) Do this exercise with your companion and have their goals as well.

Remember that is the first step…. inspired action is next. Identify who can help you achieve these goals and how you can get their. Remember to think without limits and eliminate excuses because I’m not buyin’ them! If you need assistance with the activities that will help you reach your goal, shoot an email to and I will gladly assist you. You owe it to yourself to take the time to do this exercise… remember you often react to life… get proactive and work on your life because nobody will change it for you.

Week to Date #’s

Contacts Made: 34

New Apts Set: 6

New Apts Had: 0

2ndApts. Had: 3

(transition apts) 0

Yes to KW: 0

In Transition: 1

Joined: 0

No: 0

Undecided: 3



Needs Delivery?: Moving Listings, Buyer Urgency, Financing

Handwritten Notes: 4


Personal Education: KW Resources Review


Aha’s/Blurb: I am grateful for all I have today.

Yours in making dreams come true,

Brett Boettge
KWTL – Madison Crossroads

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Search “Widget” added!

Thanks to popular demand I have added a search widget on the lower right column for the blog. As the articles on this blog increase, this tool will help you quickly find your favorites.

Thanks for the suggestion!

November… The Month of Gratitude



Are you a negative person? Do you feed off of water cooler gossip? Is today’s economic crisis fuel for your soul? It sounds bazaar doesn’t it? That people may actually enjoy being negative, thrive in negative environments and recruit to their cause. It seems bazaar to me! You may not view yourself as one of these types….but are you?


Even if we are mentally on the up and up, in heavy times…. we can get down. The solution lies in gratitude and I can’t think of a better month for it. So take a moment and turn down the volume of life, ignore the headlines, disregard breaking news and FOCUS, if just for a moment on what you can be grateful for. Take a look at your life….STOP, did you go to the negative first? Try again, you have a roof over your head, that is a start. You are reading this email so….you either have a computer or know someone that does! I bet you even have a full stomach or are planning your next fast food assault on it. Think of your children….maybe they are playing in the seasonable weather, maybe they are sleeping upstairs, maybe the smartest in the class, maybe not… what they are is amazing.. be grateful.


My point is simple we get caught up in “life” more often than not, we react to it. Take pause and soak it up, I guarantee it’s better than you think. If you are passing this off as a cliché, sappy and from the soap box Thanksgiving letter…..stop reading, I thought I left all of you back in the first paragraph. Here comes my challenge, try STOPPING negativity at the very first sign. What does that sound like? “I have an issue!” STOP “Why does this always…” STOP. Start taking responsibility for negative behavior, by allowing it, YOU are part of it.


This “Aha” hit me last week when I noticed that I allowed a certain amount of negativity in my life. THOSE DAYS ARE GONE! So if you enjoyed blowing off some steam, explaining why you can’t or doing your very best to drag me down, from this day forward you will come barking up the wrong tree. I’m not interested in your belly-aching and honestly I’m hurting them by allowing it to continue. So this is the solution!


Write down 25 things you can be grateful for today! Read it every morning and consider that your daily dose of mental accountability. You don’t want to be a victim do you? Do you want to enable your friends and families victim mentality? By forcing yourself to write down 25 things you are grateful for you just took a great step towards changing your life. Think without limits……take away the comfort of excuses….then and only then can you change your life.




Brett Boettge – KWTL Madison Crossroads




Contacts Made:300                                       

Appointments Set: 32

New Appointments Had:20

Second Appointments Had:12

Cappers IN:2

Cappers OUT:0

Half Cappers IN:2

Half Cappers OUT:0


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