Monthly Archives: August 2008

Aha’s From this Morning

Good Afternoon-

I actually had a Team Meeting this morning and it was stellar! I taught the concepts of GoForNo and it seemed to be well received. I love the story of the clothing salesman…… for more about that please request the power point that I created for the training and visit to order the book.


Brett Boettge

Good Morning…

Good Morning all-

I’m off for a run this morning…


Wahoo it’s MONDAY!

Evening everyone-

What a day it has been! Filled with Aha’s and Learning experiences… I’m a little pressed for time tonight so here is how the day went!

  • 1 Appointment
  • 3 Booked
  • 12 Handwritten Notes
  • 17 Contacts

Resources for the day are from FREE DOWNLOADS at KWU –

  • First of all the Flex Pricing .ppt I will need some clarity on this, but I believe it is based on VALUE RANGE PRICING! This is a great selling point for that… Now if this is for variable commission I believe in that too… I look for clarity on this, but the point is the stats of 10 out of 10 make more $ says we should all be doing it.
  • Next is the Internet Study for the May 2006 mastermind. THAT IS A POWERFUL TRAINING IN ITSELF! This is a must view and download! I’ll be teaching this in September or October!

Todays workout was GREAT! Lat’s #12 Incline #13, legs #10 abs 60, curls #7 (went down 1 notch but changed my style). I intend to increase 1 setting on each per week or week and 1/2 now that I have the routine down.

Tomorrow looks like 1 appt, 1 team meeting, broker opens after team meeting (new contact technique for tuesday plus FREE FOOD) LEAD GEN in the afternoon for 1.5 hours and an accountability meeting with DK. At some point I have to prep for Ambassadors Club training on Wednesday and Success Series.

Goals for the week!

  • 50 Notes
  • 8 Executed Appts:
  • 3 hires
  • 75 Contacts
  • 3 Consultings
  • 10 Appointments BOOKED for SEPT 1st week.
  • 10 Guests to Chicago to see Gary Keller.
  • 2 Hours of FUNDRAISING

Have a great night everyone,

Brett Boettge

Aha’s from this morning..

Good Afternoon-

WORK to LEARN not WORK to EARN! I hear this loud and clear, this is one of the most overlooked pieces of real estate sales. Why has their been no attempts to train sales people before the sale. This could save potential agents thousands by self discovering they are not a fit and could help so many launch a highly profitable sales business in the first 60 days. Think of how great this would be for recruiting new agents?

To join our firm the standard becomes CAMP 443 prior to active sales…. something to think about..

A BIG WHY… is yours big enough? I get up every day for personal growth, I created this blog to unlock my potential and break through my barriers all in a pursuit of my potential. I truly do want to be the best I can be…….. and I know that will help get the “Things” along the way.


Brett Boettge

Good Morning

Week #2 here we go! I’m off to the gym!


Brett Boettge

Closing the first FULL WEEK

Good evening-

I’ve been asked by so many how do you find the time to make all of these blog entries. To be honest its 7 minutes including the time to boot up my laptop in the morning, and my afternoon post. The end of the day post is typically 20 minutes which really is a big rock (planning your next day). In the past I didn’t do this, now it increases my efficiency. Regardless it’s 27 minutes out of my day and I up at 6:00a or 6:10 every morning now. Let’s just say this doesn’t increase my efficiency…. I slept to 6:45 before so I that alone is a net gain of 18 Minutes per day.

Here is how the day played out….

  • 17 Contacts PLUS 9 AT Networking Lunch= 80 Contacts for the week!
  • 2 Appointments 1 Short of my goal (I shouldn’t have pushed that last one yesterday)
  • 2 Appointments booked today which is 1 short of my goal
  • Handwritten Notes will go out on MONDAY from today
  • 1 Consulting
  • 1 article at
  • I did not have time to Dial for Dollars for my Non Profit… 2 Hours NEXT WEEK

How do I feel about the week… Again this has probably been the most productive week I have had in a long time. I could not have been this productive without the help of Andy Kahn and Laura Hartman who do whatever they can to help me stay focused. I have concluded that this works, whether you believe or not if you truly want to improve yourself find the highest level of accountability. For me this is it!

Next week is looking pretty knock down drag out with plenty to accomplish before MEGA CAMP.

Work out this morning was ROUGH… I felt a bit week which could be from the skipped dinner last night.


  • First of all the “Shift” tour is coming to a city near you! Check it out at
  • Consumer Pricing Research Findings (Free .ppt at KWU) This is a detailed study of 55,000 homes in Dallas/Ft. Worth and the effects of Limited Service firms on the market. Highly recommend this as a training for any agent going against limited service brokerages. The formula for value was a great piece and really shows how important positioning and customer service are. More information check it out at -> Online Store -> Free Items.

Have a GREAT weekend.


Brett Boettge

Aha’s FROM MREA and Needs Analysis

Good Afternoon-

Through page 64 of MREA and this last section talked a lot about Potential. Gary talks about how we have no idea what our potential could possibly be….do we? To make his point he asked the group he was speaking to if he could teach that curriculum to the children of his students. When they are 14 or 15 years old would you let anyone teach your children……

  • That dreaming is a waste of time because it is not realisitic
  • Don’t even think about doing that there is no way you will make it
  • Set very low goals in life so you they are easy to hit

Would you want that taught to your children? Then why would you have those thoughts of yourself?

Also needs analysis truly comes from a place of “Seek First to Understand” when done properly. Don’t project your views or beliefs of a circumstance on another person because they may have an entirely different perspective.

Have a great lunch…


Good Morning all

Happy Friday! I’m off to the Gym!


Brett Boettge

What a day.. Finishing day 1 of week 2

Good Evening Brett Supporters-

Activity begets activity! For the last 4 months I have been struggling to get an appointment per day! Now I don’t want to say this accountability blog is a success yet but I had 5 appointments today and 1 I had to cancel because I didn’t have enough time. From that group of 4 actual appointments 2 will be joining our market center. That rush from the appointments is phenomenal, igniting that passion in the person across the table is amazing. Its no coincidence that I had 5 scheduled appointments and today was the most fun I have had in a long time. I remember Jessica Fox and Darin Persinger both told me that when you are having fun and working 45 – 50 hours per week, you know that you are doing your job RIGHT and WELL.

Here it is…

  • 12 Contacts
  • 8 Handwritten notes
  • 4 Appointments and 1 Reschedule
  • 4 Booked (2 for today)
  • 1 Consulting
  • No’s 8
  • 0 Trainings Taught
  • 1 Core Service Meeting

Tomorrow looks like….

  • 2 Consultings
  • 21 Contacts – TO HIT GOAL
  • 2 Appts – I need 1 MORE TO HIT GOAL
  • 3 Appts Booked – TO HIT GOAL
  • 22 No’s – TO HIT GOAL (which means I need more than 21 Contacts)
  • 1 hour of  NON Profit Calling TO HIT GOAL
  • 8 Handwritten Notes TO HIT GOAL
  • 1 Networking (OVER GOAL)

Working out – IN THE MORNING – LIFTING Ab’s, Incline, Leg Ext, Curls and Lat Pulls

EATING TODAY – Carnation instant breakfast, Iced Mocha and a SUB which is still sitting next to me BUSY DAY!

Featured KW ITEMS TODAY! There are 111 FREE Resources on the website right now availble to our agents and I’m ashamed to say I don’t know what they all are.

1. eAgentC Manual – This covers everything from Websites to Greensheets including Microsites… This will be emailed to all of my NEW HIRES starting TODAY! I can’t believe I didn’t know about this!!!!!!

2. 411 Action Goal Planning – This is a one page business plan that covers your yearly goals, your monthly goals to get to your yearly goals, and the weekly activities it will take to accomplish your monthly and yearly goals! 4 weeks – 1 month – 1 year! Awesome tool!

Thanks guys!

Brett Boettge

Aha’s from this morning..

MREA is the greatest real estate read ever, and I’m not just saying that because I’m paid to! Today’s aha’s are on creativity and modeling…..

Seriously, we have a sales model of proves success, why don’t we follow it? I’m assuming it is because we are not accountable daily for sticking to the model. GET A COACH

John Davis once said in a class if it sounds like it doesn’t work say Broccoli, Broccoli, Broccoli and try it anyway. THE MODELS WORK, SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES and the top agent in Keller Williams earned roughly $5,600,000 in commission income in 2007! How can you argue with that?

Go buy “The Millionaire Real Estate Agent” today, if you have it read it again!


Brett Boettge