Aha’s From this mornings reading…

Good Afternoon-

Todays Aha’s are about the competitive spirit that drives us to do more and do it better! First of let me just say that not winning all the time is OK as long as you never lose the same way twice! Gary talks about approaching the real esate business like a board game of strategy not chance. How do you approach your business? Think back to the last time you played a board game….did you win? In the game of Chess there are so many ways to win in under 10 moves it is ridiculous. My Brother in Law Eugene Dempsey used to beat me in chess in every one of these ways. I’ll never forget how angry I got every time I lost….. Do you think I quit playing because he beat me everytime…. absolutely not. You see he beat me a different way everytime and I knew there were only so many “mapped out” moves he could play. After playing hundreds of times and losing hundreds of times I won 1 game and from that day forward I knew my chess game would excel exponentially. So every time you lose….. find out why and never lose that way again. Have the drive to learn every day and eventually you will win more than you lose!

A couple of my agents had experiences where they lost in the past couple of weeks….. I simply ask if they are a better agent today because of it and they always reply YES! So go out there and lose on your quest to perfection and personal growth!



Brett Boettge

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