Daily Archives: August 21, 2008

Exciting Thursday!!!!!

Good Evening-

I saw a few things today which I absolutely LOVE. It was passion, passion in the eyes of REALTORS who let’s face it have been beat up pretty bad in the last couple of years. It really was a light at the end of the tunnel, not a light of the market is going to get better because the simple answer is…..it’s not. This light I saw in a few great agents today was an inner light, a light that screamed I’m not taking this laying down. Let me tell you that those are the agents that I am proud to be in business with. Seriously all the negativity in the media today is overwhelming and ridiculous…. I have to use the “V” Chip to block CNN, Headline NEWS, MSNBC etc so I don’t myself fall into doom and gloom. We ARE REALTORS and why should we let the economy effect us! Do we need to wait for that yearly 4% cost of living raise like the “Employees” of the world..NO!!! Let’s use some ridiculous numbers just for fun……. my car get’s 25 MPG’s I drive 1000 Miles per month…. now let’s say GAS PRICES HIT $8.00 per gallon when currently they are $3.70 Currently I would pay $148 per month!! Ouch or is it really that bad… Now let’s use the $8.00 example… HOLY COW I HAVE TO PAY $320 per month!!!!!!!!! The world is coming to an end… or is it. You see I think you are forgetting that you as a REALTOR run your own business! If the cost of business goes UP pass it on to your customer OR SIMPLY MAKE 1 EXTRA SALE. Seriously if GAS went to $8.00 per gallon most of us immediately would think the sky was falling…. you control your business DON’T forget that. The simple act of 1 extra sale with the average commission of $4100.00 would give you enough money that you wouldn’t even notice the extra $$ at the pump for TWO ENTIRE YEARS!!!!!!! I heard someone talk about a rumor of bread going to $9.00 per loaf first of all HAHA, but let’s say it’s true. Two loaves per week at $9.00 per loaf as crazy as it sounds….. I extra sale gets me bread for almost 6 years!!

So what does this take…. a committment to your industry, a committment to education, a committment to be the best you truly can be and you will never have to worry about these things that until now were a global epidemic! So next time you hear something in the news….. don’t think the sky is falling, simply remember you are a REALTOR and you are blessed! Its great to see that fire back in your eyes…. you know who you are!

So this is how my day broke down…..

  • 3 Appointments
  • 15 Contacts
  • 9 Handwritten Notes (To BE SENT MONDAY)
  • 2 Appointments Booked 1 CAPPER/MEGA
  • 1 Consulting

Tomorrow looks like…..

  • 2 Appointments
  • 20 no’s
  • 1 Consulting
  • 1 Staff meeting

WORKOUT: Today was a nice jog, tomorrow is WEIGHTLIFTING

EATING: Carnation Instant Breakfast, Curry Chicken…. (cake and Ice Cream shhhhh) IT’S Laura’s B-DAY Tomorrow!!!

If any of you are wondering about the NET 5 Goal… When I return from Mega Camp the 29th I will have a full day of appts to sign agents… I WILL MAKE IT AND I DON’T FORESEE ANY GLITCHES…. Send some positive thoughts my way!

Thanks for reading,

Brett Boettge

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Aha’s From this mornings reading…

Good Afternoon-

Todays Aha’s are about the competitive spirit that drives us to do more and do it better! First of let me just say that not winning all the time is OK as long as you never lose the same way twice! Gary talks about approaching the real esate business like a board game of strategy not chance. How do you approach your business? Think back to the last time you played a board game….did you win? In the game of Chess there are so many ways to win in under 10 moves it is ridiculous. My Brother in Law Eugene Dempsey used to beat me in chess in every one of these ways. I’ll never forget how angry I got every time I lost….. Do you think I quit playing because he beat me everytime…. absolutely not. You see he beat me a different way everytime and I knew there were only so many “mapped out” moves he could play. After playing hundreds of times and losing hundreds of times I won 1 game and from that day forward I knew my chess game would excel exponentially. So every time you lose….. find out why and never lose that way again. Have the drive to learn every day and eventually you will win more than you lose!

A couple of my agents had experiences where they lost in the past couple of weeks….. I simply ask if they are a better agent today because of it and they always reply YES! So go out there and lose on your quest to perfection and personal growth!



Brett Boettge

Good Morning…

Hey Everybody I’m out the door for a run this morning! Talk to you soon

Brett Boettge

My 1st missed post….

Good evening-

I feel like I dropped the ball today guy’s! I missed my lunch post and my am reading I have no excuses, but I won’t miss a post again. My Aha’s today come from my coach Mike Bastian! Anyone using the REAL ESTATE SIMULATOR should put some added weight on KEY categories. We need agents with HIGH rankings in SOCIAL, Assertiveness, and Achievement. The “Sales Ability” section is a skill based assessment. Skills can be taught can they not? We have a course for everything from tying your shoes to becoming a 20 person MEGA TEAM POWERHOUSE so let’s just find some people with the natural personality to put them to use!

Here is how the day looked…..

  • FSBO Calling from 9-10 (Guy Lofts & Randy Tiegen joined in GREAT JOB GUYS)
  • 16 Growth CONTACTS
  • 2 Appointments Booked
  • 8 Handwritten Notes
  • 1 Cancelled Appt:
  • 1 Completed Appt.
  • 1 Hire (Capper)
  • Launched the Ambassadors Club
  • Trained Success Series w/ J. Fox

Worked out this morning.. all at the same # except 15 extra sit ups

Eating: Carnation Instant Breakfast and a Slice of Pizza for lunch (leftover) LOT’S of WATER still battling a cold!

Tomorrow looks like….

  • 2 appointments
  • booking 3
  • 20 No’s
  • 10 Notes
  • 0 Trainings
  • 1 Consulting

Today’s Featured KW items from KWU:

  • Effective TEAM SCORECARD! If you think it is time for a reality check with your ALC use this ALC effective Team Scorecard on KWU Free Materials from the online store!
  • Looking for an EXIT interview… look no further KWU has them on the Online Store in Free Materials. Check it out…… this will save us all some time!

Have a great night everyone…..

Brett Boettge
CEO | Team Leader
Keller Williams Realty Madison Crossroads