Daily Archives: August 13, 2008

Honestly I love this blog…


Thanks you all so much for the support! No my desk will never get cleaner….

2 more things…

Since I finished “Our Iceberg is Melting” I will be moving on to MREA again.

Also I will be describing 2 KW Resources Every day to familiarize myself with all we have to offer.


Good Wednesday evening…

Good evening all-

So this is how my day looked…..

  • 17 Contacts
  • 2 Appointments Booked (FIRST TIME)
  • A lot of No’s today… last count was 22
  • 1 Cancelled Appointment today
  • Taught Success Series
  • 0 attendees at PRICE REDUCTIONS CLASS (Clearly Everyone’s listings are properly priced…ha)
  • 1 Consulting
  • I want to say 19 Handwritten notes (sorry Laura)
  • Still 6 Guests signed up for Seller Mastery

Tomorrow looks like…..

  • 3 Appointments!!
  • goal of 20 Contacts
  • 3 Appointments Booked
  • 0 Classes
  • 1 Core services meeting
  • 1 Hour of Lead Gen. for FSBO’s
  • 2 Hours for Growth

Workout today: 3 Sets of 10 Incline #13, 3 Sets of Curl #8, 3 Sets of 20 Leg Ext. #10, 3 Sets of 20 Abs
Tomorrow is Running

I ate: Carnation instant breakfast, Spinach, Portobella, garlic pasta and a lot of water.

Thanks guys….

Brett Boettge

Finished “Our Iceberg is Melting”

Good Afternoon-

Before I head off for lunch I thought I would share some Aha’s from the second half of “Our Iceberg is Melting”. Personally I don’t believe that I empower people enough on a daily basis. Keeping our agents engaged is always a challenge and I believe that if I asked more people personally to help we would be quite a bit farther along. What was interesting is that my OP told me the other day that as a Team Leader & CEO the definition of CEO has changed in this market. Any CEO in this economy whether real estate or automotive best be a Change Execution Officer. I thought about that many times while reading.

Another Aha is that these books clearly illustrate how simple these concepts can be, yet they never claim the process will be easy. I just lead our market center through a huge change in the last 3 months or so and let me tell you if I had followed these steps precisely it probably would have made things a bit easier. The bottom line is as leaders we need our agents to understand that the only constant is going to be change in the years to come and we will need ALL of their help at every turn.

I recommend this book to all! It will be funny as you read this if you have ever lead change you will put your people in the roles of the penguins. Every office has a NoNo an Alice and a Fred!


Brett Boettge

Good Wednesday Morning

Good Morning-

I’m up and on my way to work out!!
