Daily Archives: August 7, 2008

One more thing…

Quick not on the goals…

I didn’t realize I only weighed 174.5 so I no longer want to lose 10 LBS, just tone up by jogging 2 days per week and lifting 3.

That wasn’t so painful and I feel GREAT!

Good evening-

What a day…. there were some kinks in the way of systems to record all of this data, but for the most part it the first day went well. This is how it breaks down…

  • 16 Total “Contacts”
  • 10 via telephone
  • 6 via email
  • 0 RECRUITING Appointments (Replaced with Marketing LEAD GEN & Invites)
  • 14 FSBO Calls from 9-10 with 5 great conversations and 2 Listing Leads (1 passed to our agents)
  • 3 Consultings
  • 1 Lunch with Core Services
  • 14 Handwritten Notes.

How do I feel about the numbers? I can be more efficient, I need to dedicate more prep time to my “list” so I can fire fast. All but 1 hour of the day I believe I stayed in my 20% – Training, Consulting, Recruiting.

Tomorrow looks like…. I’m shooting for 15 FSBO Calls and 20 Recruiting Contacts 10 Handwritten Notes and booking 2-3 appointments. I have 1 recruting appointment on the books for tomorrow afternoon, so the other time slot is slated for lead gen. I’m guessing from my mass marketing from today, I will have plenty of follow up to do.

EATING: Today I have had fresh blueberries in yogurt for breakfast and a salad and Dr. Pepper for lunch.

Overall I feel great, focused and not a drop of guilt because I stayed inline and on task all day. This was taking what I did before and really creating a lot of structure to it. HIGHLY recommend this to ALL that want to change anything in their lives.


Brett Boettge

Aha’s from this morning….

Good Morning-

I read the first 33 pages of Go For NO (goforno.com) and it is a great little book I recommend for everyone in sales or otherwise. The concepts I took out of todays reading were get your big rocks out of the way first thing in the morning. Eric Bratton (the main character) was one sale away from making his quota for the week on Monday afternon and you could just see the procrastination take over because he thought I’ve got four more days to get my one sale.

The next concept is never end the sale. A man entered a clothing store and purchased $1100 of clothing, the sales manager asked the salesman, “What did that customer say no to?”. The salesman replied… “well nothing”. “Then how did you know he was done buying?” The salesman could have kept suggesting items until the customer said no but he didn’t because he put a limit in his mind on the sale.

Scripting today, I re-typed the needs analysis scripts. That is part of my process for internalizing.

Thanks guys,

Brett Boettge

Morning all

Good morning-

I’m up and ready to ROCK ‘n’ ROLL! I will be running this morning, and weighed in at 174.5 lbs.
